
Study visit to Eksta Bostads AB heating plant in Frillesås

During the Nordic Pellets Conference 2023, you can choose to make a study visit to Eksta Bostads AB.

The heating plant in Frillesås is the latest facility that Eksta has built.

Eksta Bostads AB is Kungsbacka municipality’s housing company with around 50 employees. The company owns and manages approximately 3,000 rental properties as well as nursing homes, preschools and schools as well as a few commercial premises.

Eksta has had an energy concept since more than 30 years with solar, biomass, passive houses and new technology that is at the forefront. Eksta currently operates 19 heating plants ranging in size from 120 kW to 5 MW. The main fuel is pellets and during a year Eksta uses around 7 500 tonnes of pellets.

The heating plant in Frillesås is the latest facility that Eksta has built.

– It is designed based on our collective experience of the improvement potentials that exist and it has become a really good heating plant. At the study tour we will talk both about our energy concept and the new plant, says Thomas Rapp, head of heat production at Eksta Bostads AB.

The facility in Frillesås was installed in autumn 2021 and consists of a new pellet boiler with an output of 1,250 kW and a recycled pellet boiler of 500 kW and an oil boiler as a reserve. The pellet boilers have been supplied by Osby Parca and the flue gas purification consists of a textile filter supplied by ITK Envifront.

Transport to study visit:
08:45     Transfer bus from Elite Park Avenue Hotel

09:15     We meet at the Eksta Bostads AB head office, Hammargårdsvägen 14, Kungsbacka

12:00     Lunch at Elite Park Avenue Hotel


Information about the study visit

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