
Getting all technical at Nordic Pellets Conference 2025!

The Swedish Bioenergy Association (SVEBIO), the Swedish Pellets Association (PelletsFörbundet), Bioenergi and Bioenergy International welcomes participants to the Nordic Pellets Conference 2025 in Stockholm, Sweden. To be held on January 28-29, 2025, there are special rates for members of Svebio, PelletsFörbundet, and/or members of Bioenergy Europe and/or World Bioenergy Association (WBA).

Presenting our sponsors

The organizers wish to acknowledge the kind support of NPC 2025 sponsors – Amandus Kahl (Kahl), Andritz, Mühlböck, and Salmatec – all well-known and respected technology suppliers in global biomass pellet industry.

When it comes to pelletizing biomass (wood) for fuel purposes, Kahl, that celebrates its Centenary Jubilee this year, is certainly one of the first if not the first to do so. With its signature flat die press, capable of high tonnes per hour capacity, Kahl’s pan grinders and pellet presses are found in some of the world’s largest wood pellet plants. Florian Schmuchler, Area Manager will discuss pellet quality and energy efficiency with flat die technology.

In the ring die pelleting world, Andritz is one of the oldest names in biomass pelleting, once known as Sprout-Matador. In Canada, Andritz is a household name while in Sweden, at a time the world’s largest pellet producing country, there are numerous pellet plants that have Sprout-Matador/Andritz presses in operation – as to why is food for thought during the conference dinner.

For most pellet plants, the dryer typically represents the costliest and most energy-demanding stage of the pellet production process. Energy efficiency, reduced carbon footprints, operational safety, and compliance with tougher regulations on emissions all impact a plant’s bottom line. Low-temperature belt dryers with heat recovery, such as from Mühlböck, have emerged as a go-to solution, not least here in Sweden, as Gerald Kreuzhuber, Business Director at Mühlböck will discuss.

Finally, also in the ring die corner, Timo Müller, Business Development Director at Salmatec will discuss compact pelleting solutions. While Salmatec has supplied numerous pellet plants in conventional linear configurations, it has also delivered plants in both space-saving vertical- and containerized configurations.

We are proud to have such distinguished sponsors supporting NPC 2025, thank you for joining us!

Register NOW for the Nordic Pellets Conference!

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