
ABC 2020 – capacity expansion with mega-projects

The Swedish Bioenergy Association (Svebio) is organizing the 6th Advanced Biofuels Conference (ABC) which provides you with the latest on renewable transportation fuels, novel technologies and policy developments. Meet the leading players and experts from around the world in Stockholm at ABC 2020, September 15-17.

With the European Union’s (EU) new Renewable Energy Directive, advanced biofuels are together with conventional so-called first-generation biofuels, essential for replacing fossil fuels. International development is booming with several new mega-projects, also for the production of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) and biochemicals.

With six sessions over two days, the conference will showcase the latest developments in European and international policy, the transition from fossil to renewable fuels and new technologies, investments and partnerships. Leading companies will present solutions with current and new production of biofuels. In addition, the development in vehicles and clean biofuels like HVO100, bioCNG, ethanol and methanol, and FAME to complement today’s biofuels blended with fossil fuels.

Session 6 “Biofuels in aviation and shipping – we are flying and shipping green” will feature amongst others Adnan Cavka, Chief Technology and Business Development Officer of the Swedish advanced biofuels and biochemicals producer and process developers SEKAB. Mr Cavka will discuss “Goldilocks”, a proprietary blend of ethanol and soluble lignin oligomers and its use as a marine biofuel. Together with the Dutch company Vertoro bv, SEKAB has begun construction of a large-scale Goldilocks demonstration plant in Örnsköldsvik.


SEKAB’s technology platform CelluAPP makes it possible to extract cellulose sugars and lignin from forest or agricultural residues, processing them into for instance biofuels or renewable chemical products. The technology can be used in new biorefineries, or to develop existing facilities.

Both ethanol and lignin are widely available – the latter a by-product from pulp- and paper and cellulosic ethanol production. Within shipping, lignin-ethanol oil (LEO) fuel is seen by some players as a viable solution for the existing fleet.


  • High-level delegates and experts which will converge and converse about the current status of biofuels in terms of policy, sustainability, conversion technologies and infrastructure.
  • Around 30 internationally renowned speakers that will share the latest updates and real-world experiences on state-of-the art technologies, current projects and future investments.
  • Several high-level panel discussions for political debate on lessons learned and success stories on how to move forward in the transition from fossil fuels to renewables.
  • Miniexpo with our sponsors and selected exhibitors for business mingle and networking opportunities followed by an evening conference gala dinner situated in a maritime setting.
  • Opportunity to visit the newly commissioned E.ON Högbytorp facility, an innovative and unique waste-to-energy combined heat and power plant with integrated biogas plant from municipal organic waste to upgraded biomethane, sold as bioCNG.
We look forward to meeting you in Stockholm at the Advanced Biofuels Conference!

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