
Now boarding for ABC 2021!

As businesses, industries, and societies begin a green recovery in a post-pandemic world, the demand for transportation fuels is expected to rise. Advanced biofuels, and renewable synthetic fuels are together with conventional so-called first-generation biofuels an important and reliable climate-neutral part of the solution, available today – and viable for tomorrow.


The Swedish Bioenergy Association (Svebio) is organizing the 7th Advanced Biofuels Conference (ABC 2021) which provides you with the latest on renewable transportation fuels, novel technologies and policy developments. Meet the leading players and experts from around the world, on-site or online, in Stockholm at ABC 2021, September 21-23.

With four sessions over two days – and an optional site visit to an St1 BioGas biomethane production and dispensing facility – ABC 2021 will showcase the latest developments and insights in European and international policy, the transition from fossil to renewable fuels, and new technologies, investments and partnerships.

Join leading companies

Register today to join leading companies from across the value chain of advanced biofuel producers, end-users, and technology providers – in real life or online – and discuss challenges and solutions:

Argus Media, Axens, Bioenergy Europe, Bioenergy International, BTG Bioliquids, Carrières et Transport Menara, Centrum výskumu a vývoja, Dutch Mountain Trading, Energifabriken i Sverige, European Parliament, Fastmarkets Energy Census, First Bioenergy, Haldor Topsoe, Honeywell, Horisiont Energi, Kraftringen Energi, KTH, Lantmännen Group, Lantmännen Agroetanol, Lund University, Menara Holding, Neste, Perstorp Group, Praj Industries, Preem, PwC Consulting, Pyrocell, Renewable Energy Group (REG), Renault, Russian Pellet Council, Scania CV, SEKAB, Siemens Energy, SSPA Sweden, St1, Stena Oil, Svebio, Tidningen Bioenergi, Total, Umeå Universitet, UNICA, Ventspils Nafta Terminals, Veolia Water Technologies Techno Center Netherlands, World Bioenergy Association, Övik Energi and more.

But hurry, onsite space for physical in-real-life participation at the eminent Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) Conference venue in central Stockholm, is strictly limited (on account of current pandemic restrictions).

We hope to meet you in Stockholm or online!

Programme and registration


ABC sponsor

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