Myth-Busters on renewable fuels at Advanced Biofuels Conference in Gothenburg!
Today, the debate run high on biofuels, their impacts and sustainability and both biofuels on the market and biofuels under development are under scrutiny.
On 19 May, the conference session ”Myth-Busters on renewable fuels!” at the Advanced Biofuels Conference in Gothenburg, will provide (scientifically based) perspectives on the development, production and use of environmentally, economically and socially sustainable renewable transport fuels, as part of a future sustainable society.
The researchers all address common myths in the public debate on biofuels and show, using a systems approach, how scientifically based knowledge can provide guidance to policy makers, government, industry and other organizations. Thus, the session will provide food for thought as well as a guide to managing the myth minefield — and the roaring trade in (dis)information about biofuels, feedstocks, and social impact. Chairperson is Johanna Mossberg, f3 Centre.
- Myth: CO2 emission reduction percentage is a biofuel property
Jonas Joelsson, Research manager, Processum, Sweden - Myth: If it is bio it is all good
Julia Hansson, PhD, IVL/Chalmers, Sweden - Myth: We do not have enough biomass!
Gustaf Egnell, Researcher, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden - Myth: Commercialization of large scale production of lignocellulosic
fuels is just around the corner
Dina Bacovsky, Unit Head Biofuels, Bioenergy 2020+, Austria
Jonas Joelsson, Julia Hansson, Gustaf Egnell and Dina Bacovsky.