Meet EU policy experts Jean-Marc Jossart and Giulia Cancian at Svebio Fuel Market Day!
What does the climate package Fit For 55 mean for the bioenergy sector? What is it about, what can we do about it, and what will be the final outcome of the package?
Take the opportunity to listen to and meet Policy Director Giulia Cancian
and Secretary General Jean-Marc Jossart from Bioenergy Europe.
Svebio and several Swedish companies are members of Bioenergy Europe which has its office in Brussels and 20 employees. Bioenergy Europe is the voice of the European bioenergy industry in Brussels on EU level and has played a crucial role to reach acceptable regulations when negotiating the Renewable Energy Directive II. The importance of Bioenergy Europe’s work for coming periods and the RED III cannot be underestimated.