
Meet these companies at Nordic Pellets Conference!

The 4-5 February, it's time for Svebio's annual Nordic Pellets Conference, this time in Uppsala. These companies have already registered with one or more representatives:

Amandus Kahl, Andritz, Baltpool, BioenergiBioenergy EuropeBioenergy International, Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor, Clean Burn, CM Biomass, Crespel & Deiters, Ekman & Co, Eurofins Biofuel & Energy Testing Sweden AB, First Bioenergy, Forssjö Pellets, Fågelfors Hyvleri, Göteborg Energi, Hällefors Ekobriketter, Härjeåns Energi, Jämtkraft, Jönköping Energi, Klüber Lubrication Nordic, Luleå Energi, Mafa i Ängelholm, MK LAIVYBA, Moelven Virke, Naturvårdsverket, Norrenergi, Oxelösunds Hamn, PacsacPelletsförbundet, Petrobio, ProPellets Austria, Rani PlastSaalasti Sverige, Sala-Heby Energi, SCA Energy, Scandbio, Setra Trävaror, Simatek, Skellefteå kraft, Solör Bioenergi Pellets, Stora Enso TimberSvebio, Södra Skogsägarna, Trade Representation of Russian Federation in Sweden, Uddevalla Kraft, Umaras, Valmont SM, Vattenfall, Vendelinfo, Veosol Teknik, Vida Energi, Växjö Energi, World Bioenergy Association (28 jan.).

The conference will give you insights about the current developments in the pellet market, globally and in the Nordic region. It is the meeting point for all actors in the pellets sector – producers, users, equipment suppliers, consultants and researchers. A place to meet, have discussions with colleagues, and find business partners. The venue is located in the city of Uppsala.

Welcome to Uppsala!




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