Listen to Monica Normark at the Advanced Biofuels Conference 2023!
The Swedish Bioenergy Association (Svebio) is organizing the 9th Advanced Biofuels Conference (ABC 2023) which provides you with the latest on renewable transportation fuels, novel technologies and policy developments. Meet the leading companies with experts from around the world, on-site or online, in Gothenburg at ABC 2023, September 20-21.
Irrespective of the advanced biofuel to be produced, almost all technology developers share a common dilemma when moving from demonstration to full commercialization – technology readiness level (TRL) 7 and above. Few developers have or have access to in-house designing, engineering, building, and commissioning capabilities or capacities, physical or fiscal. The same goes for many of the presumptive clients, that may or may not be prepared to shoulder the technology deployment risk despite market demand for the product.
At the same time, companies with the design, engineering, procurement, and construction capacities needed might be finding themselves late in the game viz-a-viz colleagues to develop technology internally. Indeed, judging from the number of announcements in recent years, it would seem that strategic partnerships and licensing have become a way fast-forward. Along with acquisitions, strategic alliances and licensing plug any gaps in “renewable” technology portfolios. This is, of course, nothing new but it does suggest that the capacity build out of various advanced biofuels, such as electro-methanol (eMethanol) or alcohol-to jet (AtJ), is just around the corner.
How close is something that Dr. Monica Normark, recently appointed Director of Biofuels Technology at global science, technology, and engineering major KBR, Inc. will discuss. KBR is involved in several advanced biofuel projects, not least here in the Nordics, while Dr. Normark has ample experience in biofuel technology development from her previous employer Sekab. More recently, KBR has entered into a strategic alliance with Swedish Biofuels, developers of the “PureSAFSM” alcohols-to-jet pathway, a multi-feedstock pathway approved by ASTM International that paves the way for 100 percent sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) certification. A possible game-changer for SAF capacity buildout?
This is what you can expect at ABC 2023
Mr Tomas Ekbom, +46-8-441 70 83,