
Come and listen to Lisbeth Lyck Sevel, Justin Tate and Thomas Siegmund

Welcome to Svebio Fuel Market Day. Woodchip and pellet prices follow other energy price rallies up and have reached unprecedented levels in Northern Europe. Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine is resulting in the highest energy prices ever seen.

Left: Thomas Siegmund, Sure, Justin Tait, Enviva.

The demand for biomass fuels has risen sharply as industries and utilities across Europe scramble to replace coal, oil, and natural gas in almost any application it’s possible. And, as we head into the 2022/2023 heating season, how can we source, secure, and produce more biomass fuels?

Against this dramatic backdrop, we welcome you to join the fifth edition of the annual Svebio Fuel Market Day – a perfect opportunity to get an initiated insight into the current biomass market situation in Northern Europe.

To be held on September 8, 2022, at the Royal Academy of Sciences (IVA) conference venue in Stockholm, Sweden, prominent bioenergy experts, actors, and biomass traders will focus on forest fuels and waste wood, as well as pellets and bio-oils sourcing and production, to handle the coming power and heating season.

The conference day will be rounded off by a dinner cruise with Strömma Kanalbolag, an ideal networking opportunity on Stockholm waters.

Justin Tait, speaker from Enviva:

”The global energy transition to move away from fossil fuels continues to drive demand for woody biomass as a renewable alternative and so Enviva continues to expand. The current European energy crise adds additional pressure to speed up the change. This session will look at how Enviva sees the exciting market for developing opportunities for the use of woody biomass and how a large producer can contribute to supply solutions and volumes.”

Thomas Siegmund, speaker from Sure:

”EU member states are required to anchor the requirements for the sustainability certification of biomass fuels in national law. While some countries have already done so other states have now been reminded to implement REDII without delay. The method of implementation differs, so that there is a risk of a patchwork of different regulations from country to country. It takes time until supply chains are fully integrated and biomass fuels can be marketed as REDII-compliant. Bottlenecks in the availability of REDII-compliant biomass fuels are already apparent in some markets. Thomas reports on the experiences from one year of REDII certification in Germany, expected bottlenecks and challenges  and gives an outlook on further developments.”

Lisbeth Lyck Sevel.

Lisbeth Lyck Sevel, Lead Sustainability Advisor at Danish energy utility Ørsted A/S, is one of the speakers you will meet and hear from during the 5th Svebio Fuel Market Day. A major European renewable energy utility, Ørsted has transitioned from fossil fuels to renewables including biomass. On an annual basis, the company uses around 1 million tonnes of woodchips and 2 million tonnes of pellets primarily sourced from Denmark, Europe, and North America. With new Danish sustainability requirements in place, Ørsted assists international suppliers to help forest fuel producers to adapt to these requirements. Lisbeth Lyck Sevel will explain how the company can assist suppliers in producing and delivering the right assortment.


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