
Come and listen to Dr. Christian Rakos from ProPellets Austria, and Timo Müller from Salmatec!

The Swedish Bioenergy Association (SVEBIO), the Swedish Pellets Association (PelletsFörbundet) and Bioenergy International welcomes participants, online and on-site, to Nordic Pellets Conference 2022 in Stockholm, Sweden.

Timo Müller (left), Salmatec and Dr. Christian Rakos (left) ProPellets Austria.

To be held on 11-12 May as a hybrid event with both online and on-site participation options, there are special rates for members of Svebio, PelletsFörbundet, and/or members of Bioenergy Europe and/or World Bioenergy Association (WBA).

Presenting two of our speakers:

  • Expansion of Austrian pellets production – Austria has a comparable annual production capacity as Sweden, yet is set to expand production with around 800 000 tonnes within three years. What’s behind this rapid expansion, is there feedstock available, and what can be learnt from the Austrian pellet boom? Dr. Christian Rakos, a well-known profile from ProPellets Austria will provide insights on the Austria pellet boom.
  • Investing in pellets production – With multiple feedstock options, plant configurations, and business models available, what other considerations ought pellet plant developers have in mind? Timo Müller, Salmatec will share views from a technology provider’s perspective.

The fee includes conference participation for one person 11-12 May 2022.

We recommend Scandic Hotel Anglais, Humlegårdsgatan 23, Stockholm, just a few hundred meters from the conference venue or Scandic Park.

Study visits: 
11 May, 2022
Conference: 11,12 May, 2022
Conference dinner: 11 May, 2022
Venue: IVA Conference Center, Stockholm, Sweden


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