
Alex Miles, Enerkem: ”Wastes as valuable resource making high-grade ethanol and methanol”

We are pleased to present a number of distinguished experts at the Advanced Biofuels Conference 18-20 September in Gothenburg. They will give their view on how and why the industry is investing big in biofuels. Never before has the market been so vibrant, taking giant steps. The market is ready for takeoff!

Already in June 2014 did Canada-headed thermochemical process developer Enerkem Inc., open its first commercial-scale facility in Edmonton, Alberta to convert municipal solid waste (MSW) to biofuels and biochemicals. Since then the plant has achieved all its operational milestones including ISCC certification and methanol to ethanol stage. In parallel, the company is engaged in a waste-to-chemical project in Europe and, perhaps more significantly, has initiated a rollout joint-venture in China.

Enerkem’s first European project in Rotterdam will produce up to 220ktons of advanced (bio-)methanol from a mixture of up to 360ktons of non-recyclable commercial & industrial wastes including mixed waste plastics.

The presentation will demonstrate how this project, as a case study to demonstrate how innovative technologies such as Enerkem’s, is producing both a sustainable, ‘circular methanol’ for use as a key commodity feedstock by the chemicals industry and an advanced bio-methanol for use in a range of fuel applications using non-recyclable wastes. It will highlight the benefits to doing so for both downstream markets and highlight the importance of developing highly integrated plants as part of sustainable chemical and biofuels clusters.

Part of the presentation will also provide an update on the development of the Enerkem technology from lab-scale research to commercial-scale project development and highlight the broader benefits of ‘recycling’ the carbon in waste into advanced, renewable transportation biofuels and as a low-carbon and circular chemical intermediate.

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