
ABC 2022 – converting woody residues into biofuel revenues

The Swedish Bioenergy Association (Svebio) is organizing the 8th Advanced Biofuels Conference (ABC 2022) which provides you with the latest on renewable transportation fuels, novel technologies and policy developments. Meet the leading players and experts from around the world, on-site or online, in Stockholm at ABC 2022, September 13-15.

Biofuels – bioliquids, and green gases – are essential in the global effort to replace fossil fuels and reach the Paris Agreement goals of limiting global warming to well below 2 o C compared to pre-industrial levels. With six sessions over two days, the conference will showcase the latest developments and insights in European and international policy, the transition from fossil to renewable fuels and new technologies, investments and partnerships.

Dr Franziska Müller-Langer.

Given the political vurm for shifting the internal combustion engine (ICE) to the annals of technology history in favour of electrified mobility, compounded by the current geopolitical crisis in Ukraine and low water levels in major European inland waterways, what then is the future of road transportation – which direction(s) will it take? Hard to say with any certainty, however, Dr Franziska Müller-Langer, Head of Department Biorefineries, Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH (DBFZ) will provide an initiated insight into the successes and lessons learned for biofuels deployment.

In the Policy and industry perspectives – possibilities and commercializationsession, Gerhard Muggen, CEO of BTG-BTL from the Netherlands will discuss the potential of biomass pyrolysis technology and operational experience with sawdust and wood residues. Along with the commercial-scale demonstration plant in Hengelo, the Netherlands, BTG-BTL’s flash pyrolysis technology is being used in Green Fuel Nordic’s biorefinery in Lieksa, Finland, and Pyrocell’s facility in Gävle, Sweden to produce crude pyrolysis oil (CPO) from woody biomass residues.

Gerhard Muggen, CEO of BTG-BTL from the Netherlands.

The CPO from the latter facility is processed into transportation fuels at Preem’s Lysekil refinery, while the upgrading of CPO into marine biofuels will be discussed by colleague Hugo Borger, Managing Director of BTG-neXt in the “Biofuels in aviation and marine transport” session. BTG-neXt is a recently formed subsidiary dedicated to building and operating a pilot biorefinery, in partnership with compatriot biofuels provider GoodFuels, for converting CPO into sustainable marine diesel to demonstrate that continuous production is feasible.

This is what you can expect

  • Around 170 delegates from 20 countries that will converge and converse on the current status of renewable transportation fuels for all modes of transport in terms of policy, sustainability, conversion technologies and infrastructure;
  • Around 30 internationally renowned speakers that will share the latest updates and real-world experiences on state-of-the art technologies, current projects and future investments;
  • Opportunity on September 13 to visit Pyrocell, the world’s first integrated bio-pyrolysis plant, as well as renewable fuel developer and distributor Colabitoil Sweden AB, both of which are located in Gävle.

Learn more at ABC 2022 – We hope to meet you in Stockholm or online!
Register and program

For more information, please contact
the Conference Director, Mr Tomas Ekbom,
+46-8-441 70 83, abc@svebio.se


Silver Sponsor:

Organised by:


Bioenergy Europe / World Bioenergy Association Argus / IEA Bioenergy /
Bgbiom / Bioenergy Insight / Illuminem

Previous Advanced Biofuels Conferences

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