REDII Sustainability Criteria: Demonstrating Compliance – 2nd Edition

REDII Sustainability Criteria: Demonstrating Compliance – 2nd Edition


  • As of July 2021, EU Member States should have transposed the Renewable Energy Directive into national legislation, which mandates that biomass and bioenergy producers demonstrate compliance with the sustainability requirements.
  • Where are we with the implementation of the REDII criteria? As of May, only a limited number of the 27 Member States have fully implemented the Directive, although others are expected to follow shortly.

  • To shed light on the complex situation facing the European bioenergy industry, Bioenergy Europe and Bioenergy International magazine are hosting a public webinar on 9 June, 15:00-17:00 CEST, to provide practical guidance on the next steps of the REDII implementation.

  • During the webinar, you will receive a quick refresher of the sustainability requirements for solid biomass, get updated on the implementation status across the EU27, and learn about various ways to demonstrate compliance with the REDII sustainability requirements. There will also be an opportunity to hear from companies about their challenges in implementing these criteria.

  • The webinar will be interactive and will take questions from the audience. Everyone is encouraged to participate and have their questions answered, especially companies that need to comply with the regulation.

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