Date and time: 2019-02-28, 11:00 – 13:30 (with a coffee break)
Venue: Vikdalsgränd 10A, Nacka Strand (Embassy of Belarus in Sweden)
- Leonid Demyanik, General Director, “Bellesexport” company (the largest woodexporter in Belarus)
- Sergey Matyulin, Deputy Director, “Bellesexport”
- Anatoly Zaretsky, First Deputy Chairman of the Board, the Belarusian Universal
Commodity Exchange
Sweden is one of principal consumers of Belarusian timber products, wood chips, pellets, granules, wood briquettes etc. In 2018 along the volume of different types of Belarusian firewood imported by Swedish companies amounted to 285 thousand tons for 12 million US$. Forests cover more than 40% of the territory of Belarus and forest industry is being constantly developed. For example, the volume of wooden pellets production is projected to grow more than 20 times and reach 250 thousand tons in 2020.
The seminar will provide information about Belarusian forestry and timber industry potential, specifics of work on the commodity exchange in Belarus, as well as opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation and trade. It will also provide a platform for exchange of experience and best practices in this field.
“Bellesexport” was founded by the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus in 1995 and is well-established in the European forestry and timber market since 1997. Major tasks of the enterprise are to promote through brokerage activity export sales of the domestic timber products and to render foreign trade services to 98 Belarusian forestry companies.
Participation in the seminar is free of charge.
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