New Technologies for Combustion Optimisation, Retrofiting and Process Optimisation of Energy from Waste and Biomass Plants

New Technologies for Combustion Optimisation, Retrofiting and Process Optimisation of Energy from Waste and Biomass Plants


Technikgruppe invites you to a free technical seminar+workshop+round table
Combustion Optimisation, Retrofitting and Process Optimisation of Energy from Waste and Biomass Plants

It is with great pleasure that TECHNIKGRUPPE, after several successful international web presentations, will participate in a live technical seminar in Stockholm, Sweden. Combustion optimisation can play a major role in improving the combustion performance of waste-to- energy and biomass-to-energy plants. However, ret- rofitting and modernisation of existing plants can provide significant economic benefits in addition to the technical benefits. Detailed technical analysis and assessment of appropriate methods and technologies for a specific plant are essential for good decisions.

The main idea of this event is to analyse the technical and commercial requirements for plant modernisation and detailed analysis of methods and applications. Participants of this event will get important informa- tion about technologies and practical results of EfW BtE plants. Some case studies of combustion optimi- sation in UK and EU plants will be explained in detail.

The exchange of experiences between technical man- agers, professors, engineers and businessmen will provide a solid basis for possible cooperation.

As independent technical (and technical/commer- cial) consultants with many years of experience in optimising and modernising waste-to-energy and bio- mass-to-energy plants, TECHNIKGRUPPE’s experts can help you implement combustion optimisation technol- ogies and retrofit automation systems. At this event we can also discuss free test projects.

See you in Stockholm

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