Deforestation Regulation – Whats next?

Deforestation Regulation – Whats next?


The new EU Deforestation Regulation was adopted in June 2023, and operators and traders within the EU member states as well as our trading partners globally will have until 2025 to implement new rules. The legislation mandates extensive due diligence on the value chain for all operators, and traders dealing with wood, to and from, and within the EU.

  • What challenges may arise during the implementation of this regulation?
  • Which are the key elements to apply to operations to fulfill the requirements?
  • How could the regulation affect the development of the bioeconomy, and the circular economy within Europe?


What will come next?


The Northern Sparsely Populated Areas together represents some of the most forest rich regions in Europe and would like to bring EU decision makers and bioeconomy stakeholders, and experts together to discuss what different implications the legislation could bring. 
We would like to cordially invite you to a seminar on the 25th of October at the joint premises of the North Sweden European Office and North Norway European Office at Avenue des Arts 11, Brussels. It will also be possible to attend the seminar online and ask questions to the expert panel.


Mr. Gordon Murray, Executive Director of Wood Pellet Association of Canada
Ms. Sara Colliander, Minister Counsellor at the Swedish Permanent Representation to the EU
Ms. Sara Nordin, Partner at White & Case Lawfirm 
Mr Bojan Grlas, Team Leader on International Deforestation, European Commission DG ENV (TBC) 
 Mr. Rupert Schlegelmilch, Deputy Director, European Commission DG Trade (TBC) 
Mr. Kelsey Perlman, Forest and Climate Campaigner at Fern (TBC)
Moderated by Carina Christiansen, Project Manager Bioeconomy at North Sweden European Office 
More speakers to be announced.

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