Den 10-12 juni är Piteå värd för den internationella konferensen BIOBASE. På plats finns bland annat Världsnaturfondens president Pavan Sukhdev. BIOBASE samlar en stor skara experter för att lyfta hållbara innovationer som alla har sitt ursprung i skogen. Konferensen låter besökaren uppleva hela värdekedjan – från skogsråvaran till de förädlade produkterna. Medarrangör är Piteå Science Park, Näringsdepartementet, Luleå tekniska universitet, RISE mfl.
Mer om programmet:
Follow us on a journey towards a circular and biobased society and how we can mitigate climate change to make Europe prosperous.
A challenge facing large parts of the world today is how we deal with and respond to important societal challenges, such as the transition to a fossil-free economy, where biobased materials and products, as well as various forms of bioenergy are key components.
Northern Sweden is one of the regions in Europe with the highest proportion of forests land per area, with one of the world’s strictest regulations for sustainable forestry and an industrial value chain producing a variaty of biobased materials and products. We also have institutes as well as universities with forest related research. Therefore, the region has unique prerequisites for also producing green bioenergy and second generation advanced biofuels and at the same time pursuing excellence in accelerating the development of new biobased materials and products, with significant added value.
Please join us through the forest based value chain from consumer products all the way back to a sustainable forestry. In Piteå you will get a unique opportunity to experience an ongoing industry as well as innovations for sustainable growth, via exclusive site visits day 1 and a conference day 2:
- A variety of biobased materials and products
- Second generation advanced biofuels
- A state of the art factory for industrialized construction of wood based apartment buildings
- A sawmill and componant factory
- A pulp- and papermill and future possibilites with new fuels and chemicals
- Advanced research and innovation for future biobased materials and products
- Sustainable forestry
Target groups:
- Politicians and political experts – EU, national and regional level
- Decisions makers and officials of public actors
- Industry associations
- Trade and industry
- Forest owners
- Bioeconomy clusters
- The research community
- Non governmental organizations
We are aiming for a innovative melting pot
Your participation is free of charge. In case of no-show you will be invoiced SEK 1 000 excl VAT.