Svebio is organising the annual Nordic Pellets 2019 conference in Varberg, Sweden, in co-operation with:
Download the programme (pdf)
Registered companies (6 Feb.)
Day 1, Wednesday 6 February
Study visit to Södra Wood’s sawmill and pellet factory
We start with a study visit to Södra Wood’s sawmill and pellet factory in Värö.
- 08.50 Transfer bus from Kusthotellet to the study visit
- 09.30 We meet in the reception at Södra, Värö.
If you arrive by car, please register in the reception at Södra.
Address: Södra, Virkesvägen 1, 432 65 Väröbacka, Sweden - 11.30 Lunch at Södra. If you don’t participate in the study visit, lunch is served at Kusthotellet.
- 12.30 Transfer back to Kusthotellet
- 13.30 Conference starts in Villa Apelviken
North of Varberg on the Swedish west coast, the Södra Group operates a carbon-neutral production of 700,000 tonnes of pulp, 600,000 cubic meters of sawn timber and 40,000 tonnes of pellets. The operations are entirely driven by biomass and also generate 1.6 TWh of renewable bioenergy in the form of district heating, biopower, biofuels and solid biomass.
The pellet factory is located between the sawmill and the pulp mill. It can be seen symbolically, because the pellet factory is an example of profitable synergy between the two parts of the Värö plant. Read more about Södra Cell Värö
13.30 Conference start
Room: Villa Apelviken
13.30 Market, policy and Nordic fuel sourcing
– Varberg Energi a modern local and renewable heat and power company
Björn Sjöström, Varberg Energi (Sweden)
– Forest-based liquid biofuels – The end of pellets?
Henrik Brodin, Södra (Sweden)
– Pellet market overview and the focus of the European Pellet Council,
Gilles Gautier, European Pellet Council (Belgium)
– Towards a fossil free future: possibilities and challenges
Emelie Zakrisson, Orkla (Sweden)
– US Supply and Sustainability, market outlook and opportunities
Justin Tait, Enviva (USA) -
15.15 Coffee, tea and exhibition
15.45 Large scale logistics and current investments in the pellet sector
– Wood pellets storage and handling
Bengt Nilsson and Jonas Andersson, Bruks Siwertell (Sweden)
– Vattenfall’s HVC bioconversion project
Sara Hugestam, Vattenfall (Sweden)
– News from Svebio and the Swedish Pellet Association
Gustav Melin, Svebio (Sweden)
– Canadian production and market development
Gordon Murray, WPCA, Wood Pellet Association of Canada
– Panel discusson on current market situation and future development:
Kjell Levihn (Stockholm Exergi, Sweden), Gordon Murray, Justin Tait, Gilles Gautier, Peter Granborn (Scandbio, Sweden), Johan Granath (Ekman & Co, Sweden)
17.30 End of day 1
19.00 Conference dinner at Kusthotellet
Day 2, Thursday 7 February
Room: Villa Apelviken
09.00 Getting to zero – addressing workplace health and safety risks
– Safety – How Canadian pellet industry drastically reduced incidents in some few years
Gordon Murray, WPCA, Wood Pellet Association of Canada
– Safe handling and storage of pellets – self-heating, fires and explosions,
Anders Lönnermark, RISE (Sweden)
– Reducing risk with solid maintenance plans,
Dr. Holger Streetz, Bathan (Switzerland)
– The session is followed by a panel discussion with speakers and:
Frank Heilen, Fagus-GreCon (Germany)
Jerry Elmber, Firefly (Sweden) -
10.30 Coffee, tea and exhibition
11.00 Biomass conversions in industry
– International Bioenergy Development Platform – New project run Rise, Svebio Pelletsförbundet and Skogforsk
Susanne Paulrud, RISE (Sweden)
– Examples of successful industry conversions to pellets and powder we pursued the last years
Thomas Magnusson, Mared (Sweden)
– Using wood pellets in large heat plants
Timo Valkeinen, KPA Unicon (Finland)
– Financing the first commercial plant for black pellets with Bioendev- technology,
Lars-Åke Svensson, Bioendev (Sweden)
12.30 Lunch and exhibition
13.30 Residential heating and stoves
– Pellet Stove – A key factor in sustainable domestic heating
Ulf Wikström, KMP Pellet Heating (Sweden)
– Could small pellet stoves help Swedish home owners get detached from the power grid?
Anna Werner, Villaägarna – Swedish Homeowners Association (Sweden)
– ISO standards for solid biofuel
Niklas Jungerth, SIS – Swedish Standards Institute
– Pellet and process additive – A Future Challenge
Bo Jönsson, Comasa (Sweden)
15.00 End of conference
Read about the conference 2017 at Bioenergy International.
Book you accommodation in Varberg!
Unfortunately Varbergs Kusthotell is now FULLY BOOKED. Other hotels in Varberg are:
- Hotell Havanna, Krabbes väg 4, 432 52 Varberg
- Varbergs Stadshotell & Asia Spa, Kungsgatan 24, 432 41 Varberg
Please note that you need to book your own accommodation directly with the hotel. For questions, please contact us on +46-8-441 70 80.
Roll-up exhibition:
As a participant you have the possibility to take part in the mini-expo roll-up exhibition. The fee includes conference participation for one person 6–7 February 2019. Meet these companies in the exhibition: S-E-G, Göteborg Energi, Scandbio, Södra, Enviva, PelletsFörbundet, Instrutech, RaniPlast, FAGUS-GRECON, Firefly, CPM Europe, Amandus Kahl, KPA Unicon, Andritz, Uddevalla Energi, Simatek AS, CM Biomass, Silokonsult Processteknik and Jönköping Energi. More companies will follow. Read more about our exhibitors
- Member of Svebio/PelletsFörbundet/Bioenergy Europe (or association member of BE): 9 900 SEK
- Non-member: 12 900 SEK
Conference fees (incl. lunch and dinner) excl. VAT 25%
2 DAYS, 6–7 FEBRUARY 2019
- Member of Svebio/PelletsFörbundet/Bioenergy Europe (or association member of BE): 6 500 SEK
- Non-member: 8 700 SEK
- PhD & researchers/State agencies & authorities (myndigheter): 3 500 SEK
- Municipal energy advisers (energirådgivare/energikontor): 2 000 SEK
- Students: 800 SEK
- Speakers/Press/Honorary member of Svebio: Free (registration required)
1 DAY, 6 OR 7 FEBRUARY 2019
- Member of Svebio/PelletsFörbundet/Bioenergy Europe (or association member of BE): 3 900 SEK
- Non-member: 5 200 SEK
All prices are stated excluding VAT.
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