Publications, reports, our magazine Bioenergy International, directories and other interesting reading.
Svebio reports
Whole trees – Why there should be no restrictions
for using “whole trees” for energy (June 2021)
Författare: Kjell Andersson, Svebio
Roadmap Bioenergy – meeting the demand for
bioenergy in a fossil free Sweden (Jan 2020)
Bioenergy is Sweden’s largest source of energy and accounts for 38 per cent of Sweden’s energy use today. The use of bioenergy has more than doubled since the beginning of the 1990s. We can double again, until 2045. Between 2000 and 2017, the use of bioenergy increased by 3.5 TWh per year. This report, Roadmap Bioenergy, shows that we can continue at the same pace for the next 25 years. We analyze the potentials for bioenergy with domestic resources in Sweden.
Other publications and reports
- Bioenergy from boreal forests: Swedish approach to sustainable wood use (Svebio / IRENA 2019)
- Bioenergy – The Swedish experience (download the pdf) or contact us if you would like to order printed copies,
- Carbon tax – key instrument for energy transition!
- Gasoline-Ethanol-Methanol (GEM) Ternary Fuel Blend as an Alternative Passenger Car Fuel in Sweden
Sebastiaan Nikolas Tsirakos, Master Thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (dec. 2017)
Bioenergy International
Our magazine Bioenergy International is published 7 times per year and is available in print and as e-magazine.
Read the e-magazine and subscribe
Each print and digital issue includes a comprehensive directory that lists the main technology suppliers to a specific sub-sector. This provides an overview and contact base. These directories are found here
From our partners
- For our Swedish readers, have a look at what we offer in Swedish.
- For more interesting reading, we recommend you to visit the library at Aebiom and also the resources section at World Bioenergy Association.