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Meet these companies at Nordic Pellets Conference in Varberg!

It's time for Svebio's annual Nordic Pellets Conference, this time in Varberg 6-7 February. These companies are present at the conference with one or more representatives:

Adven, Amandus Kahl GmbH & Co., ANDRITZ, Argus Media, Bathan AG, Bioendev Solutions, Bioenergi, Bioenergy Internatinal, Bruks Siwertell, CM Biomass, Comasa, CPM Europe bv, Crespel & Deiters GmbH & Co., Derome Timber, Eidsiva Bioenergi, E.ON Energilösningar, Ekman & Co, Enviva, European Pellet Council, Fagus Grecon, Firefly, First Bioenergy, Forssjö Pellets, Fågelfors hyvleri, Göteborg Energi, Henrik Hägerdal enskild firma, Hällefors Ekobriketter, Härjeåns Energi, Ingenjörsfirman J Mared, Instrutech, Jönköping energi, KMP Pellet Heating, KPA Unicon, Laxå Pellets, Mafa, Miljøvarme VSEB AS, Nordic Ex Technology AB, Nova Bioenergy, Orkla, PelletsFörbundet, (Swedish Pellet Association), PetroBio, Pöyry Management Consulting, RaniPlast Oy, RISE Reearch Institutes of Sweden, Roland Carlberg Processystem, S-E-G Instrument, SCA Energy, Scandbio, Silokonsult Processteknik AB, Simatek, Smedjebacken Energi, Solör Bioenergi, Stora Enso Timber, Svebio, Swedish Standards Institute, Södra, Uddevalla Energi, Uddevalla Kraft, Vattenfall, ValmontSM, Vecoplan AG, Vida Energi, Villaägarna (Swedish Homeowners Association),Växjö Energi, WPAC, Öresundskraft. (6/2-2019)

The conference will give you insights about the current developments in the pellet market, globally and in the Nordic region. It is the meeting point for all actors in the pellets sector – producers, users, equipment suppliers, consultants and researchers. A place to meet, have discussions with colleagues, and find business partners. The venue Varbergs Kusthotell is located in the city of Varberg south of Gothenburg, right on the seashore.

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