Our members

Here is a list of all members of Svebio.

AB Bruzaholms Bruk

Telephone:+46 381-201 80

AB John E Öhrén (JÖAB)

Telephone:+46 250-105 30

AB Åkerikonsult

Telephone:+46 8-753 54 00

Adesso BioProducts


Adesso BioProducts är specialiserat på biobränslen för den skandinaviska marknaden, där vi erbjuder fordonsbränslen som helt ersätter eller blandas in i fossila bränslen för dieselfordon och eldningsolja för uppvärmning.

Adven Sweden AB

Telephone:+46 8-22 55 50



Aerovit cleaning solutions range from pneumatic shockwave cleaning of firetube boiler to shower cleaning for larger WtE incinerators and biomass boilers.


Telephone:+46 10 505 00 00

AFRY (ÅF PÖRY) is an engineering and design company within the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. We create sustainable solutions for the next generation through talented people and technology. We are based in Europe and our business and clients are found all over the world. ÅF’s five divisions, Infrastructure, Industrial & Digital Solutions, Process Industries, Energy and Management Consulting, offer engineering and consulting services across three main sectors: energy, industry and infrastructure.

Againity AB

Telephone:+46 70-529 32 23

Manufactures ORC turbines for electricity generation from hot water boilers on heating plants, waste water treatment plants, landfill gas extraction plants, incinerator plants and from industrial waste heat. Electricity generation from 20 kW to 2 000 kW.

AKJ Energiteknik AB

Telephone:+46 54-18 70 85


Telephone:+46770-780 700

AkkaFRAKT has an efficient, flexible and market-adapted organization to be able to meet the demands that members and customers place on us today and will place on us in the future. The company is divided into five business areas; Plant, Industry & Trade, Agriculture, Environment and Crane/Special. Each business area has several market areas that offer services adapted to different transport needs.

Amec Foster Wheeler Energi AB

Telephone:+46 11-28 53 30

AmSpec Sweden AB


Our mission is to provide professional and reliable testing, inspection and certification services globally. We aim to create a strong entrepreneurial and agile culture by empowering our staff at every level. This drives our commitment to each client relationship, ensuring the highest standard of quality, accuracy, and precision in our journey towards a safer more sustainable future.

Arboga Energi AB

Telephone:+46 589-870 88

Arctic Paper Grycksbo


The Swedish paper mill Arctic Paper Grycksbo’s long tradition makes it a well-known manufacturer of coated, woodfree paper. Its production process has extremely low fossil CO2 emissions, which is only one example of the ambitious sustainability goals within the Arctic Paper Group.

Armatec AB

Telephone:+46 31-89 01 00

Arvika Fjärrvärme


Det kommunägda bolaget Arvika Fjärrvärme AB uppför, äger och driver anläggningar och distributionssystem för fjärrvärme och är aktiva inom Arvika centralort.



I nära samverkan levererar BDX hållbara affärslösningar, tjänster och produkter för enkla eller sammansatta behov inom entreprenad- och logistiksektorn. Varje dag gör vi insatser som skapar förutsättningar och nytta för såväl kunder som samhälle.


Telephone:070-414 05 45

BiodrivMitt, är sedan 2014 en ombildning av föreningen BiogasMitt (startade 2009). BiodrivMitt är en självständig intresseförening med vedertagna stadgar. Ändamålet är att i Dalarna och Gävleborg främja användning och produktion av förnybart producerade drivmedel samt påskynda omställningen till en fossilfri transportsektor. BiodrivMitt har cirka 60 medlemmar, i form av privata bolag, kommuner, kommunala bolag, övriga organisationer samt privatpersoner.

Biofuel impex AB


BioFuel Region AB



Telephone:+46-10-228 50 00


Telephone:+46(0)705 844 668

BioShare believe sharing is the key to success. Co-utilization of biomass and plant assets is the cornerstone in our strategy.


Telephone:+46-10-207 08 49

Bollnäs Energi AB

Telephone:+46 278-251 13

Borlänge Energi AB

Telephone:+46 243-730 00

Borås Stad

Telephone:+46 33-35 73 70

br.Svensson Skog AB

Telephone:+46 494-310 70

Bracke Forest AB

Telephone:+46 693-105 75

Bracke Forest is a world leader in forest regeneration. Bracke Forest has been manufacturing forestry equipment and machines since 1922. We design our machines to ensure that conservation of soil and of the environment is taken into consideration to the greatest possible extent, without lowering the standards for technically and economically efficient forestry.

Brugg Sweden AB

Telephone: +46 (0) 735 360 111

BRUGG Pipes specialises in producing and selling pipe systems for transporting liquids, gases and heat safely and efficiently on a global scale. BRUGG Pipes is your reliable, expert partner in the local heating, district heating, cooling, cold water, industrial, filling station and tank facility sectors. Our trained personnel are able to help with everything from advice about laying right through to project management and installation. Thanks to our wide range of products, expert advice, technical engineering and precise pipe laying, we are able to offer you the very best solutions and will be at your side throughout your entire project.

Bruks Siwertell

Telephone:+46 42 85800

Bruks Siwertell is a market-leading supplier of dry bulk handling and wood processing systems. With thousands of installations worldwide, our machines handle your raw materials from forests, fields, quarries and mines, maintaining critical supply lines for manufacturers, mills, power plants and ports.

BTG BioLiquids BV

Telephone:+31 53 486 2287

BTG BioLiquids BV is delivering fast pyrolysis technology in the biomass energy sector. Headquartered in Enschede, The Netherlands.


Telephone:+46 470 34 74 60

Det kreativa Byggbolaget. Med stort focus på miljöteknik och över 180 års samlad erfarenhet av prefabbetong


Telephone:08-644 40 44

Canoil är ett familjeföretag som arbetat med förnyelsebara energiprodukter sedan 2009. De tillhandahåller förnyelsebara energiprodukter & tjänster inom smörjmedel, oljor, fetter och bränslen till kunder av alla storlekar.

Cellwood Machinery AB

Telephone:+46 380-760 00

Cellwood has played an important part in the development of the modern pulp and paper industry. The company is the world leading supplier of dispersing systems, which are used in the process of recycling paper waste into new paper. More than 600 system installations have been delivered to paper mills all over the world. Each delivery is specifically designed with regard to the customer’s process, and every business relationship is characterized by close collaboration on testing, installation, commissioning and service in the form of maintenance and spare parts.



CMIK works to streamline and optimize clients' fuel issues such as purchasing, logistics, warehousing, combustion, market and strategy. CMIK is independent in the fuel market and represents the heating sector. Our keywords are: Credibility, Sustainability and Efficiency.

Colabitoil Sweden

Telephone:+46-771-10 10 40

COLABITOIL SWEDEN AB (publ) is an innovative and fast-growing Swedish "Green Tech" company that aims to contribute to a more sustainable society. The company was founded in 2013 with the vision to develop and market the fossil-free fuels of the future and in that way make it possible for our customers to reduce their climate impact. Today, Colabitoil focuses primarily on developing and producing renewable fuels that can replace fossil petrol, diesel and aviation fuel. The company operates five business areas, production - licensing - trading - port and sales / distribution. Colabitoil's core business is in Sweden, but business areas for licensing and trading work with customers all over the world - either directly or via our global network of partners.


Telephone:+49 (0) 1 51/64 4163 89

Cortus Energy AB

Telephone:+46 8-752 81 05

Cortus was founded in 2006 with the vision to revolutionize the energy market with new green technology. The company is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Stockholm since 2013. Cortus business idea is to replace fossil fuels and chemicals with renewables. We do it cost-effectively, on an industrial scale and on a global market. Our mission is to help our customers in their transition to renewable production.

Dalfors Skogsentreprenad


Drinor AB

Telephone:+46 73-085 93 60

Drinor Continuous Dewatering Press (CDP) is a unique solution that press water out of biomass. With CDP as an pre-treatment you can increase efficiency of your drying process, and reduce the energy consumption. It is financially gainable, energy saving and a sustainable solution for you and the enviroment.

E.ON Värme Sverige AB


Eco-1 Bioenergi AS

Telephone:+47 21 42 02 46

Ecomb AB

Telephone:+46 8-550 125 50

Ekobalans Fenix AB

Telephone:+46 70-515 37 89

Eksjö Energi AB

Telephone:+46 381-368 60

Eksta Bostads AB

Telephone:+46 300-140 60

Ekströms Värmetekniska AB

Telephone:+46 8-710 09 70

Element Metech

Telephone:+46 13-16 90 00

We are Element Metech, a full-service provider in the field of metrology for all your tools and instruments calibration, service and administration needs, for measuring assignments and for metrological support.

We were previously Exova Metech and in June 2018 we changed our name to Element Metech.

ENA Energi AB

Telephone:0171-62 54 10

ENA Energi AB i Enköping är ett kommunägt aktiebolag som grundades 1972. Bolaget producerar el och fjärrvärme från nästan 100 procent biobränsle sedan mitten på 90-talet, då kraftvärmeverket togs i drift. Fjärrvärmen levereras till företag och privatpersoner i Enköping. Fjärrvärme i Enköping är en trygg och billig uppvärmningsform producerat av miljövänligt biobränsle. Biobränslet som används är till största delen returflis som återvinns vid olika miljöstationer runtom Mälaren. Fjärrvärmeproduktionen i Enköping tar därmed tillvara resurser som annars inte skulle ha utnyttjats.

Energifabriken AB

Telephone:+46 142-414 55

Energikontor Värmland/Region Värmland

Telephone:+46 54-701 10 95

Energilotsen Sverige AB

Telephone:+46 431-272 34


Telephone:+46 8 121 44 020

Envigas build, own and operate high-precision pyrolysis processes to turn organic residuals into commodities sold to a range of applications. Any organic material can be used to produce BioCarbon and energy using our processes. Wood, bark or sawdust from the forests, stalks, husks or straw from the agro-sector or even slurrys such as manure can be turned into value using our processes. By building distributed systems our processes can increase local businesses, provide local heat or cooling and produce power locally while producing highly valued commodities.

Eskilstuna Strängnäs Energi och Miljö AB

Telephone:+46 16-710 20 00

Eurofins Biofuel & Energy Testing Sweden AB


Exergetics AB

Telephone:+46 156-139 39

Exergi System Intl. AB


Exergi systems help the industry convert from fossil to renewable energy. Exergi systems also offer complete modular plants for steam and heat production from dry biofuels.

Falbygdens Energi AB

Telephone:+46 515-77 75 00

Falkenberg Energi AB

Telephone:+46 346-88 67 11

Falu Energi & Vatten AB

Telephone:+46 23-77 49 00

Firefly AB

Telephone:+46 8-449 25 00

First Bioenergy FBIO AB

Telephone:+46 8-10 99 15

Flogas Sverige AB

Telephone:+46 8-675 00 80

Forssjö Pellets AB

Telephone:+46 150-734 00

FVB Sverige AB

Telephone:+46 21-81 80 50

Green Cargo AB

Telephone:+46 10-455 40 00

Gustafsborgs Säteri AB

Telephone:+46 435-340 45

Göteborg Energi AB

Telephone:+46 31-62 60 00

Halmstad Energi & Miljö AB

Telephone:+46 35-19 16 08

Haparanda Värmeverk

Telephone:0922-108 28

Haparanda Värmeverk bildades 1984, ägs sedan 1 juni 2016 till 100 % av Haparanda kommun, efter ett långt och lyckosamt samarbete med Vattenfall. Verket producerar och distribuerar fjärrvärme inom de centrala delarna av Haparanda. Stor del av produktionen sker i Finland och regleras via ett samarbetsavtal med Tornio Energi där det huvudsakliga bränslet är torv.

Heat Management

Telephone:+46 8-661 33 10
Fax:+46 86613360

Hjälmarbygdens Bioenergi ek.för

Telephone:+46 70-332 10 92


Telephone:+46 70-657 00 43

Hällefors Ekobriketter AB

Telephone:+46 591-161 13

Härjeåns Energi AB

Telephone:+46 680-175 00

Hässleholm Miljö AB (HMAB)

Telephone:+46-451-26 82 00

Hässleholm Miljö AB (HMAB) är ett affärsmässigt bolag som helt ägs av Hässleholms kommun. Vi behandlar och återvinner avfall från hushåll, industri och andra verksamheter samt producerar och levererar fjärrvärme i Hässleholm och Tyringe.

Höganäs Borgestad Energi & Ugnsteknik


Höganäs Borgestad has a well-deserved global reputation as a developer, producer and supplier of smart refractory and high temperature solutions.

INADCO Moisture Measurement BV

Telephone:+31 497 517 291

INADCO Moisture Measurement BV develops and produces measuring equipment for inline and online measuring in processes with fine and coarse bulk solids like biomass. Our specialty is the measurement of the moisture content with our own unique technology, which eliminates the need to use numerous calibration lines for each change in the product.

Industri-Textil Job

Telephone:+46(0)320-21 02 00

Our mission is to collaborate with our clients and strategically selected partners to utilize all our experience and technical expertise to develop, manufacture and sell high-performance industrial fabrics, filter equipment, service and security equipment - all with high functional value to you as our customer.

Innofreight Scandinavia AB

Telephone:+43 3862 8989-241

Jernforsen Energy AB

Telephone:+46 35-17 75 50

Jolax AB

Telephone:0709-399 333

Jolax AB har avtal med ett flertal maskinentreprenörer, fjärrvärmeverk, sorteringsanläggningar och deponier främst för att få tillgång till avfallsflöden till utvecklingsarbete samt att få ihop kedjan mellan leverantör och slutkund. De utvecklar nya koncept inom förbehandling av avfall för att långsiktigt skapa konkurrenskraftiga hållbara lösningar inom återvinning.

Jämtkraft AB

Telephone:+46 63-14 90 00

Jämtlandsvärme AB

Telephone:+46 670-163 00

Jönköping Energi AB

Telephone:+46 36-10 82 00

K Energitjänst AB

Telephone:010-207 11 18

Vi på K Energitjänst bistår allt från privatpersoner med deras mindre värmeanläggningar och stora  kraftvärmeanläggningar med driftpersonal, driftsättning och driftstöd. Vi kan roster, pulver, BFB- och CFB-pannor, vattenrening, ånga- och hetvattensystem, turbin- och fjärrvärme. Hos oss finns också distributionstekniker inom fjärrvärme.

Kalmar Energi Värme AB

Telephone:+46 480-45 11 00

Karlshamn Energi AB

Telephone:+46 454-818 00

Karlstads Energi AB

Telephone:+46 54-540 00 00

Kastrup & Genberg AB

Telephone:+46 8-554 240 80

Katrinefors Kraftvärme AB

Telephone:+46-501-39 34 50

Klüber Lubrication Nordic A/S

Telephone:+46 8-590 986 00

We offer our customers expert tribological solutions by supplying tailor-made speciality lubricants directly to customers in almost all branches of industry and regional markets.

Kom Entreprenad

Telephone:+46 70-622 72 10


Telephone:+46 70-605 42 45

Kosan Gas

Telephone:+46 - 31 - 65 52 00

KPA Unicon Oy

Telephone:+358 207 749 200
Fax:+35 8207749201

We Create and implement clean-energy solutions. We Renew existing energy-production systems with cleaner technologies. We Interact by empowering energy producers with innovative digital tools. We Lead the way with advocacy and initiatives that create better value for our partners.

Kraftringen Energi AB

Telephone:+46 46-35 60 00

Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund – The Federation of Swedish Farmers

Telephone:+46 8-787 50 00

The Federation of Swedish Farmers – LRF – is an interest and business organisation for the green industry with approximately 140 000 individual members. Together they represent some 70 000 enterprises, which makes LRF the largest organisation for small enterprises in Sweden. LRF seeks to create the appropriate conditions for sustainable and competitive companies and to develop a favourable base for social life and enterprise in rural areas. LRF is not affiliated to any political party and is an independent organisation which finances its activities by membership fees, combined with returns on asset investments and business operations.

Lantmännen Energi AB

Telephone:+46 8-657 42 00

Laxå Pellets AB

Telephone:+46 584-44 42 60

LaxåVärme AB

Telephone:+46 584-44 40 80

Leijding Sweden AB

Telephone:+46 70-666 25 40


Telephone:+46 470-70 80 00

Luleå Energi AB

Telephone:+46 920-26 44 00

Lundsby Biogas A/S

Telephone:+45 96 49 43 00

Lundsby Biogas Ltd. manage and build turn-key biogas plants in Denmark and the surrounding countries. We cooporate with various suppliers of upgrade plants, if the plant delivers bionatural gas to the Natural Gas Network. We participate in considerations with power/heating plants if there is a possibility of supplying to one. Lundsby Biogas Ltd. always deliver a well-tested and operating biogas plant, including the training of the personel. We provide ongoing support until the manager feels safe with the technical and biological part of the biogas plant.

M2 Bioenergi AB

Telephone:+46 33-26 42 33


Telephone:+46 8 477 04 80

Mantex is dedicated to applying dual-energy X-ray and associated techniques to the field of organic materials when used in large volumes. Our solutions help industries use their raw materials in the most efficient way. This will help the world’s resources go further, improve end products, whilst reducing waste and pollution. Today Mantex are active in the Pulp and Paper and Bioenergy markets. We have also provided solutions for the board industry, pellets production, and various research projects. We are always ready to discuss new applications and opportunities.

Mared Sustain Tech AB

Telephone:+46 36-38 78 00

Mared Group is a family-owned group based in the city of Huskvarna, Sweden, but also has operations in the city of Tidaholm. The journey started in the 60's and today we are five business driving companies and a service company where functions such as HR, finance, warehousing etc are included. We are currently about 50 employees and have a turnover of about SEK 180 million.

Marklund Solutions AB

Telephone:+46 21-40 40 50

MCD – Measure Connect Display AB


MCD is Scandinavia’s leading supplier of level measurement. With our smart level measuring systems and our in-house developed communication solution we supply cloud-based level measurement services to companies managing different types of bulk products, in both liquid and solid form. We supply a fully integrated level measurement system, from the sensor in the tank, to the communication solution and on to our site for level presentation SiteInfo. Through SiteInfo, you gain complete control of the levels in your tank, deliveries and frequencies, it is then easy to gain access to history and statistics. We will help you to connect your present level measurement system or replace it with a complete, fully integrated solution.  

Mellanskog ek för

Telephone:+46 10-482 80 00

Methanol Institute


Founded in 1989, the Methanol Institute (MI) serves as the global trade association for the methanol industry representing the world’s leading methanol producers, distributors and technology companies.

Meva Energy AB

Telephone:+46 706 24 84 93

Meva Energy is the world’s leading provider of gasification technology for renewable energy production based on small fraction fuels. Our system enables power and heat providers to utilize biomass in a uniquely efficient and profitable way. The company was founded in 2008 in Sweden as a result of biomass gasification research at Luleå University of Technology and at the Energitekniskt Centrum – ETC – gasification center. Since then they have built world class expertise within thermochemical process engineering, gasification and syngas cleaning.

Mittuniversitetet / NAT

Telephone:+46 611-861 12

Mixport AB

Telephone:+46 294-51 24 44

Mjölby-Svartådalen Energi AB

Telephone:+46 142-855 00

Modity Energy Trading

Telephone:+46 46-32 59 00

Molkom Biovärme AB

Telephone:+46 553-414 77

Mälardalens Högskola, Inst f Samhällsteknik

Telephone:+46 21-15 17 68

Mälarenergi AB

Telephone:+46 21-39 50 00

Naturbruksprogrammet Ljusdals kommun

Telephone:+46 651-725 79


Telephone:+46 70-663 66 47

Nordic Distributed Power AB (NDPower) supply customers in Southern Africa with renewable energy solutions and finance, based on modern and reliable solar and biomass technologies, in collaboration with Nordic suppliers and partners.

Neova AB

Telephone:+46 650-54 74 00

Next Marketing AB

Telephone:+46 705 39 80 80

Since 2011, Next has traded in solid biofuels in the form of wood chips and RDF. We act both as traders and brokers with several good references that testify to the highest quality in our deliveries. Thanks to an extensive global network, we can act quickly and meet very challenging customer needs, which can be volumes, special fuels, long-term contracts or the purchase of spot volumes.

NIBE AB / Nibe Brasvärme

Telephone:+46 433-751 20

Norra Skog

Telephone:+46 63-14 58 30

Norrenergi AB

Telephone:+46 8-475 04 00


Telephone:+46 435-296 50

Nässjö Affärsverk AB

Telephone:+46 380-51 70 00


Telephone:0433-120 65

Organofuel Sweden AB


Organofuelsweden arbetar med att utveckla och kommersialisera olika typer av biodrivmedel med en ny unik teknologi.


Telephone:Tel. +46 40 627 07 50

Ørsteds vision är att skapa en värld som helt och hållet drivs av grön energi. Ørsted utvecklar, bygger och driver havs- och landbaserade vindkraftsparker, solcellsparker, energilagringsanläggningar, anläggningar för förnybar vätgas och gröna bränslen samt bioenergianläggningar. Dessutom tillhandahåller Ørsted energiprodukter till sina kunder. Ørsted är det enda energibolaget i världen med ett vetenskapligt baserat mål för nettonollutsläpp som validerats av Science Based Targets-initiativet (SBTi), och Ørsted har som mål att leverera en nettopositiv biodiversitetseffekt från alla nya projekt inom förnybar energi som företaget beställer senast från och med 2030.

Oxelösunds Hamn AB

Telephone:+46-155-25 80 00

We offer total solutions in the field of logistics and can handle your entire transport chain, from start to finish. Our water depth of 16.5 metres, our ice-free location, direct links with both motorway and railway combined with a short approach enable us to offer our customers unique opportunities and efficient service.

Pannprojekt Lars-Åke Nyberg AB

Telephone:+46 651-76 93 60

Petro Bio AB

Telephone:+46 31-335 49 50

PetroBio has, since the start 1964, provided innovative burner technology for industrial applications. Our products and solutions are adapted to solid, liquid or gaseous fuels, in the range of 2-50 MW (or higher, when burners are combined). PetroBio has taken on the climate challenge and provides several options for fuel conversions or new plants, fired by biomass based fuels. Among our customers you will find industries, energy companies in district heating and waste to energy and marine applications, all in need of heat or steam. Since 2018 PetroBio is part of the family owned VYNCKE group.

Phoenix BioPower AB

Telephone:+46 70 34 23 22 55

Phoenix BioPower is developing the future of biomass-fired power generation systems: the BTC. The Biomass-fired TopCycle - the BTC - is a high-pressure and integrated plant to convert biomass to power. By gasifying the biomass in combination with a high-pressure gas turbine process and massive steam injection, unprecendented conversion efficiencies are achieved. Together with its plannable production capacity and best-in-class total efficiencies, the BTC plant will change how renewable power is produced in the future.

Piteå Science Park


Plåt & Spiralteknik i Torsås AB

Telephone:+46 (0)486 456 50

Vi är på god väg att bli Europas ledande tillverkare av spiraltransportörer; och vi har redan tillverkat över 7000 olika spiraltransportörer. Du finner våra produkter runt om i världen och i de mest skilda branscher. Vår styrka som leverantör är vår förmåga att finna lösningar, att vi är mångsidiga och flexibla. Vi tar inte bara ansvar för varandra i vårt team – utan för dig som kund. Du ska känna dig trygg med oss som din partner.

Porcupine AB

Telephone:+46 70-622 35 71

Preem AB

Telephone:+46 10-450 10 01

Preem is the largest fuel company in Sweden, with a refining capacity of more than 18 million m³ of crude oil every year. We refine and sell gasoline, diesel, heating oil and renewable fuels to companies and consumers in Sweden and abroad.



Procarbon is a Swedish private, independent company based near Gothenburg. The company was established in 1990. Procarbon co-operates with some of the world’s leading producers of high quality carbon products.

Pugerups Gods

Telephone:+46 413-334 11



Together with our partners, we integrate pyrolysis where sidestreams are generated to produce biochar, carbon removal, and energy. By establishing industrial ecosystems we can achieve mutual environmental, social, and economic benefits.

Radarbolaget i Gävle AB


Develops and manufactures moisture content meters for biofuels. For real-time measurement of wood chips and bark in trucks, buckets, conveyor belts, elevators and fuel dumps.

Ramboll Sweden AB

Telephone:+46-10-615 60 00

Ramboll employs 16,500 people globally and has especially strong representation in the Nordics, UK, North America, Continental Europe, Middle East and Asia-Pacific. We are present in 35 countries and combine local experience with a global knowledge-base, constantly striving to achieve inspiring and exacting solutions that make a genuine difference to our clients, end-users, and society at large. Ramboll works across the following markets: Buildings, Transport, Water, Environment & Health, Energy and Management Consulting.

Region Halland

Telephone:+46 35-13 48 00

Region Örebro Län

Telephone:+46 19-602 63 21

Renetech AB


With a global perspective, it is Renetech's mission to be a developer of sustainable and environmentally adapted renewable energy projects; electricity, vehicle fuel, heat and biogas produced through solutions involving renewable sources, including waste and biomass management, hydropower, solar and geothermal energy conversion. Renetech develops projects in collaboration with technology providers, contractors, equity partners and local stakeholders. Since its formation in 2005, Renetech has been engaged in project development, research and consultancy in large and smaller scale projects, mostly in the EU and SSA.

Renewable Energy Group

Telephone:+49 2862 9100-50

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB

Telephone:+46 10-516 62 80

S:t E Maritime & Shipping AB

Telephone:+46-8-636 25 60

STEM Shipping is a international Shipbroking company arranging liquid shipments for the transporting Party. Since the start 2009 the company has focused towards transportation of various biofuels, and charterers today tonnage on a global basis. STEM Shipping charterers annually above 1.5 Mio mts of products.



Our solutions for processing biomass are market leaders worldwide. Saalasti's customers rely on our machines to process several types of biomass in a wide variety of facilities, including power plants, cellulosic pulp mills, sawmills, pellet plants and biomass terminals.

Safetech HB

Telephone:+46 31-68 50 05

We have since we started 1985 been fully focused on protecting smaller and bigger industrial plants from fire, gas – and dust explosions.

Sala-Heby Energi AB

Telephone:+46 224-576 00

SCA Skog AB, Norrbränslen

Telephone:+46 911-775 89

Scandbio AB

Telephone:+46 10-45 67 300

Scandbio is Sweden's largest company within solid processed wood fuels. We sell 100 % renewable energy in the form of pellets, briquettes, logs and powder.

Scheuch GmbH

Telephone:+43 77 52 905-0
Fax:+43 775290565000

Technology for clean air. Innovative air and environmental technology for industrial applications has been Scheuch's stock in trade for 50 years now. Whether the solutions involve extraction, dedusting, conveying, flue gas purification or plant manufacturing, Scheuch is a leading expert with a pole position on the market in numerous sectors, and offers its customers application-specific, high-quality solutions to their air and environmental technology issues.


Telephone:+46 8-542 44 900

SenSiC AB develops, produces and sells gas sensors for harsh environments, such as high temperatures. The sensors have exceptional sensitivity in very low gas concentrations with a proven long term performance.

Setra Trävaror AB

Telephone:+46 8-705 03 00

Setra is one of Sweden's largest wood product companies. We process raw materials from responsibly managed forests and offer environmentally friendly products and solutions for building and living in a global market. We also supply bioproducts for production including heat, energy and pulp.

Sibelco Nordic AB


We mine, process and sell industrial minerals at locations worldwide, focused primarily on silica, clays, feldspathics and olivine. We are also leaders in glass recycling.

Sigholm Tech AB

Telephone:+46-(0)21-12 03 10

We believe in collaboration between people, technology and business. In order to achieve sustainable societies in a changing world, we believe that district heating has a key role to play. We therefore specialize in factors that streamline a district heating company's profitability and strengthen its competitiveness. Sigholm offers high-quality services in project management in the construction industry, business development, optimization of district heating, digital solutions, development and visual communication.


Telephone:+46 70 380 23 63

We design and manufacture custom furnaces, flue gas cleaning systems, and transport systems for cogeneration plants.

Skellefteå Kraft AB

Telephone:+46 910-77 25 00

Skogsaktiebolaget Eternali AB


Eternali´s business concept is straight forward: We aim to create shareholder value from forestry in harmony with the environment and for the benefit of the climate.

Skövde Energi AB

Telephone:+46 500-49 95 34

Smedjebacken Energi AB

Telephone:+46 240-66 06 01

Solör Bioenergi

Telephone:+46 281-715 25

Solör Bioenergy Group comprises bioenergy companies which are providing essential energy services in Sweden and Norway. The Group produces wood-based bioenergy for the public and private sector including private households, municipalities, industrial customers and local/regional governments. As a leading bioenergy company, the Group is operating in the entire value chain from procurement, production and distribution to sale of energy in form of district heating, industrial steam, electricity and various biomass products.

Stena Oil AB

Telephone:010-445 00 00

Stena Oil is the reliable supplier of choice for our customers from all around the world. Our strong focus on safety, availability, operations excellence, high quality marine fuels and competitive prices make us the number one bunker supplier in Scandinavia. Day and night creating value for our customers is our top priority.

Stockarydsterminalen AB

Telephone:+46 76-128 12 22

Stockholm Exergi AB

Telephone:+46 8-671 70 00

Stora Enso

Telephone:+46 1046 000 00

Part of the global bioeconomy, Stora Enso is a leading provider of renewable products in packaging, biomaterials, and wooden construction.

STX Commodities Sweden

Telephone:+46 313 115 126

The mission of the STX Group is to be a leading trader and market access provider in illiquid environmental commodities and debt capital markets. We cover all European countries through a team of native speakers who can understand the needs and see opportunities together with our clients.

SunPine AB

Telephone:+46 911-23 28 00

Svenska Kyrkans Skogscertifiering


Sveprol Bio Production AB

Telephone:+46 8-23 09 50

Swedish Exergy

Telephone:+46 (0) 31 51 39 90

Our clients maximize their use of energy through our technologies and thereby become more energy efficient, an ever pressing concern in todays world, with added financial benefits. Our experience and know-how with Exergy technologies is unmatched. We have developed our technologies over the past 40+ years and they are today used in a wide range of industries such as Energy production, pulp and paper, sludge treatment, sugar, tea, mining and many more.

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology

Telephone:+46 90-786 81 00

The department carries out high-quality research as well as under- and postgraduate education on an international level. We collaborate with both society and industry to develop a bio-based economy where forest biomaterials are an important resource.


Telephone:+46 (0) 763 97 9574

Swestep is a green technology pioneer that develops, sells and operates SWESTEP Plants that utilizing the revolutionary Catalytic Conversion (CC) process. The company vision is to become one of the solutions to the global waste challenges and a fossil free economy. "Biomass to Liquid - Waste to Energy - Waste to Liquid"

Sågverken Mellansverige

Telephone:+46 23-840 60

Söderenergi AB

Telephone:+46 8-553 055 00

Söderhamn NÄRA

Telephone:+46 270-766 00

Södra Skogsenergi AB

Telephone:+46 470-890 00

Tekniska Verken i Kiruna AB

Telephone:+46 980-707 23

Tekniska Verken i Linköping AB

Telephone:+46 13-20 80 00

Tibro Kommun Värmeverket

Telephone:+46 504-180 00

Tierps Fjärrvärme

Telephone:+46 293-130 75

Torkapparater AB

Telephone:+46 8-660 20 60

TRB Sverige AB

Telephone:+46 33-10 24 20

Tylöskog AB

Telephone:+46 35 66200

Umeå Energi AB

Telephone:+46 90 16 38 00

UNY-Konsult AB

Telephone:+46 495-201 05

Vasa Värme

Telephone:+46-20-802 800

Vattenfall AB Heat Nordic Generation

Telephone:+46 20-82 00 00

Vegoil Energy Provider AB

Telephone:+46 454-38 06 74


Telephone:+46 382-15 80 20

Vida Energi AB

Telephone:+46 472-439 00

Votion Biorefineries AB

Telephone:+46 73-330 07 43

Vi fokuserar på bioraffinaderiet. Teknologiutveckling, processdesign, projektering, projektutveckling, säker drift och råvaruförsörjning är alla fokuserade på att få ut maximalt ur hållbar biomassaråvara. Innovation är essentiellt eftersom tekniska genombrott fortfarande behövs för att generera högvärdiga produkter från bark, lignin, alger, sjögräs, halm, bagass, med mera.


Telephone:+46 501 63700

Värnamo Energi AB

Telephone:+46 370-69 41 00

Västerbergslagens Energi AB

Telephone:+46 240-876 00

Växjö Energi AB

Telephone:+46 470-77 52 00

WestEnergy AB

Telephone:+46 510-172 10

Wibax AB

Telephone:+46 911-25 02 00

World Thermal Service – WTS AB

Telephone:+46 155-28 49 15

Ystad Energi AB

Telephone:+46 411-57 70 00

Ånge Energi AB

Telephone:+46 690-25 01 00

Älmåsen konsult i Tenhult AB


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