One of Svebios most important tasks is to answer consultations from the Swedish government, from different other Swedish authorities and agencies, as well as the European Union.
Detailed comments on Draft Taxonomy to regulation EU 2020/852
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ETS Roadmap
We strongly support extension of carbon pricing to the sectors outside ETS. But we are not convinced that inclusion in ETS of the heating and transport sectors are the right way to do this. We…
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LULUCF Roadmap feedback
Reasons why delayed harvest and storing carbon in forests is not the optimal climate solution.
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Svar på en konsultation om Energiskattedirektivet till Energikommissionen
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Svebio’s Reply to the Public Consultation on Inception Impact Assessment
Revision of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources.
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Comments to Annex IX 2nd feedstock consultation
Svebio, the Swedish Bioenergy Association, does not support the general approach in the regulation in RED with double-counting and definition of “advanced biofuels” as fuels based on certain feedstocks.
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