100% renewable
energy with a lot of bioenergy
That's our vision!
Optimal incentives towards a renewable energy market
Our vision is a 100% renewable energy system, where the different renewable energy sources interact. Bioenergy will play a central role and we want to increase the use of bioenergy in an economically and environmentally optimal way.
The potential to increase the production of biomass fuels, from agriculture, forestry and waste management for use in all sectors of society is enormous, in Sweden, in Europe and globally.
How can this be achieved?
Development is at its best when the State limits its role to stimulating the avoidance of materials, products and energy use that damage public health or the environment. This is achieved by using general fiscal measures such as taxation and (legislative) penalties. It is the role of individuals, organizations, and companies to find and develop competitive solutions, materials, and technologies that address the need for food, energy, and products without negative environmental consequences.
It is our firm conviction that bioenergy will prove to be a winner with general and technology neutral steering instruments.
Carbon tax – key instrument for energy transition!
Global warming is the most challenging problem facing humanity today due to the excessive use of fossil fuels. Carbon tax (carbon dioxide tax) is a simple and efficient way to reduce the use of fossil fuels, improve energy efficiency, and make renewables more competitive.
It can be tax neutral, as reducing other taxes will complement carbon tax implementation. It is a smart move to a more sustainable lifestyle and investment for the future. Therefore, the carbon taxes are an indispensable tool for rapid transition to a climate compatible energy system using less fossil fuel and more renewables.
- Easy to apply
All countries already have some kind of energy taxation and it is administratively easy to introduce the carbon tax in all countries at a low level. - Easy to calculate
The tax is easy to calculate based on the carbon content of the fuel and the importers or big energy producers can easily estimate and pay the tax. - Tax neutral
Carbon tax must not lead to higher taxation in general. The Carbon tax can be raised at the same time as other tax is reduced. - Economic
The Carbon tax will make it more profitable to use fossil fuels efficiently, switch to renewable energy sources or to abstain from using fossil energy altogether. For countries with large fossil fuel imports, the carbon tax can stimulate the internal economy and improve terms of trade. - Efficient
The purpose of carbon taxation is not to punish people for their life style or technical equipment today, but to help them make the right choices and investments for the future.
Download our paper: Carbon tax – key instrument for energy transition! (pdf, 2/12-2015)
Our mission
Detailed comments on Draft Taxonomy to regulation EU 2020/852
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ETS Roadmap
We strongly support extension of carbon pricing to the sectors outside ETS. But we are not convinced that inclusion in ETS of the heating and transport sectors are the right way to do this. We…
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LULUCF Roadmap feedback
Reasons why delayed harvest and storing carbon in forests is not the optimal climate solution.
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Svar på en konsultation om Energiskattedirektivet till Energikommissionen
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Svebio’s Reply to the Public Consultation on Inception Impact Assessment
Revision of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources.
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