Welcome to sign up for Nordic Pellets 2018 Conference!
Pellets 2018 starts on Tuesday, January 30, with two study visits. Choose between Öresundskraft Västhamnsverket which uses 70,000 tonnes of pellets per year for its CHP, or visit an industry that has converted from oil to pellets.
After lunch, the conference will be opened by Anders Östlund, President and CEO of Öresundskraft. Anders describes the development of one of Sweden’s major energy companies increasing the use of renewable and recycled energy, including waste heat, waste, wood pellets and biogas. Öresundskraft is a pioneer in large-scale use of wood pellets to make renewable heat and electricity.
Oskar Larsson, head of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Climate Target Unit, will talk about climate measures in Sweden including challenges and solutions, as well as the forest’s role for the greenhouse gas balance. The Climate Target Unit’s mission includes analyzing trends, scenarios and goal fulfillment for Sweden’s national and international climate commitments.
Joachim Colliander, Vice President and Business Director, Pellets Business Line at Stora Enso, Finland, is responsible for Stora Enso’s pellets business in Europe. Among other things, he will talk about sustainability as an important driving force in promoting increased use of pellets in modern energy plants to produce heat, steam and electricity. We are also pleased to have Stora Enso Timber as a conference partner.

Anders Östlund, Oskar Larsson and Joachim Colliander will speak at Pellets 2018 in Helsingborg.
Welcome to Helsingborg for networking, business and new knowledge!