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SAVE THE DATE for The Advanced Biofuels Conference, 17-19 September in Stockholm!

Svebio heartily welcomes participants across the globe to the beautiful city of Stockholm to attend our 5th Advanced Biofuels Conference on 17-19 September 2019. Pre-conference study visits will be followed by two full conference days, a gala dinner, workshop, and cover the land, aviation and maritime transport sectors.


Advanced biofuels for Europe is key for the national transport sectors. Commercial breakthroughs in technologies, policy measures are adopted and changing business models are no longer on the horizon. This year, we invite you to participate in latest European policy, finance, partnerships, world class R&D and technology commercialization – all the leading companies presented. More and more vehicles are certified with HVO100, to complement today’s selection of bio-CNG, E85, ED95 as well as conventional fossil fuels blended with biofuels.

The conference will bring you an update on the value of advanced biofuels and business opportunities in the new bioeconomy. You will get leading internatio­nal experts, unique networking, interesting study visits and workshop on biofuels policy. The Advanced Biofuels Conference is intended for those who are interested in creating a sustainable trans­port sector. Speakers and delegates will be policy makers and politicians, leading scientists, researchers, engineers, as
well as executives and representatives from companies and organizations.

For more information please contact the Conference Director, Mr Tomas Ekbom,
+46-8-441 70 83, tomas.ekbom@svebio.se.

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