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International players to converge at Nordic Pellets Conference

Varberg on the west coast of Sweden is the scenic location for this year’s edition of the annual Nordic Pellets conference that will be held 6–7 February 2019.

Organised by Svebio in partnership with the Swedish Pellet Association (PelletsFörbundet), this year’s edition sees the support from the world’s largest pellet producer Enviva Holdings Inc., Scandinavia’s largest pellet producer Scandbio AB and Sweden’s largest forest owners association, Södra.

The overarching purpose Nordic Pellets is to meet, learn, share, discuss and network. The two-day programme starts off with a study tour to Södra’s 40 000 tonne-per-annum pellet plant at its Värö integrated pulp- and sawmill forest industry complex followed by the conference itself that covers current and topical issues including markets, logistics and safety.

Södra pellets

The Nordic Pellets 2019 study visit will be to Södra’s 40 000 tonne-per-annum pellet plant at its integrated pulp- and sawmill forest industry complex in Värö. Photo: Alan Sherrard

The event is enhanced with companies exhibiting at the event from across the value-chain. These include global pelleting technology providers Amandus Kahl, Andritz and CPM Europe, each with their own distinctive differences and competitive advantages. Knowing the quality and quantity of material in the process flows control is something that S-E-G and Instrutech specialize in – the former with mass flow and scaling measurement and the latter with moisture content. Dealing with spark detection and extinguishing systems throughout the pellet production process is the remit of FAGUS-GRECON while RaniPlast, as the name might suggest, supplies the final touch in packaging film solutions.

When is comes to the final product, pellet trader CM Biomass assists producers in getting product to international markets while energy utilities Göteborg Energi and Uddevalla Energi both use pellets as fuel albeit the latter has its own seasonal production. Andritz and KPA Unicon are international providers of industrial-scale boiler islands and ancillaries tailored for pellets and/or other fuels. Finally, as global technology supplies to the forest and energy industries, Andritz have utility-scale combustion systems that use pellets. Furthermore, and perhaps not as well known in pellet circles, both companies have developed technologies for the production of advanced pellets – Andritz built two demonstration plants (one in Austria in 2011 and one in Denmark in 2013) using torrefaction.

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Photos from Nordic Pellets 2018 in Helsingborg

Gustav Melin

Pellets 2018

Läs en intervju med Kristine van het Erve Grunnet från Dansk Energi som talade på Nordic Pellets 2018 om ”Hållbar bioenergi är ryggraden i Danmarks energiomställning”.

Pellets 2018

Pellets 2018

Pellets 2018

All photos by Alan Sherrard. 

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