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Bio-CCS and other carbon sinks – Sweden can be a global forerunner!
Svebio news
May 2, 2019
Invitation to seminar 16 May in Stockholm. Swedish pulp mills and Swedish heat and power plants using biomass as fuel offer great opportunities to capture biogenic CO2 for underground long-term storage. Sweden can be a forerunner for bio-CCS (bioenergy + carbon capture and storage, often also called BECCS).
Biogenic carbon can also be stored in soils as biochar, or temporarily in growing forests.
- With rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, these methods for negative emissions, reducing CO2 levels, will be urgently needed. But how can we make them happen fast enough?
- And what are the legal and political barriers?
Come and listen to the discussions at our seminar 16 May!
Read an article in our magazine Bioenergi, including a list of the largest sources for biogenic CO2 in Sweden.