A whole day dedicated to carbon sinks – How to capture CO2 and store in the ground

A whole day dedicated to carbon sinks – How to capture CO2 and store in the ground


To achieve a maximum temperature increase of 1.5 ° C, we must use BECCS, capture and storage of carbon dioxide from bioenergy. In short, this was the message from the international climate panel IPCC last fall.

  • But how does BECCS work, and what will it cost?
  • What conditions do we have in Sweden to be the forerunner?
  • What role can Swedish energy companies and forest industries play?

We discuss this at a seminar on 16 May in Stockholm.

We also highlight other ways of storing carbon dioxide, in growing forests and as biocoal and biochar.  At the seminar, some of Sweden’s leading experts take part, and we also get a global perspective.

Welcome to an interesting day 16 May!

Programme (Download as pdf)

08.30 Registration and networking

09.00 Klimatpolitik för negativa utsläpp (In Swedish)

Chair persons: Karolina Norbeck, Svebio och Karin Medin, Söderenergi, Sweden

  • Välkommen och inledning
    Karolina Norbeck, Svebio och Karin Medin, Söderenergi, Sweden
  • Klimatpolitiska vägvalsutredningen
    Monica Daoson, Huvudsekreterare Klimatpolitiska vägvalsutredningen, Regeringskansliet, Sweden
    Björn Boström, Sekreterare Klimatpolitiska vägvalsutredningen, Regeringskansliet, Sweden
  • Mycket bioenergi från skogen – en förutsättning för bio-CCS
    Kjell Andersson, Svebio, Sweden
Karolina Norbeck, Karin Medin, Monica Daoson och Kjell Andersson.

Karolina Norbeck, Karin Medin and Kjell Andersson.

10.15 Coffee, tea and networking

10.45 Skogen och biokol som kolsänka 
(In Swedish)

Chair person: Gustav Melin, Svebio, Sweden

  • Från planta till förnybara produkter
    Jessika Szyber, Stora Enso, Sweden
  • Biokol som kolsänka
    Cecilia Sundberg, KTH, Sweden
  • Klimatpositiva hamburgare 
    Kaj Török, Max Burgers, Sweden
Jessika Szyber, Cecilia Sundberg och Kaj Török.

Jessika Szyber, Cecilia Sundberg and Kaj Török.

12.00 Lunch and networking

All presentations after lunch will be in English.

13.00 Prerequisites for bio-CCS (BECCS) (In English)

Chair person: Kjell Andersson, Svebio, Sweden

  • Stockholm Exergi – First company in the world with negative emissions?
    Fabian Levihn, Stockholm Exergi, Sweden
  • Carbon sinks in Tanzania, in models and reality
    Simon Haikola, Linköping University, Sweden
  • CarbFix – How to store CO2 as a rock in the subsurface
    Knud Dideriksen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Fabian Levihn, Simon Haikola and Knud Dideriksen.

14.15 Tea, coffee and networking

14.45 BECCS – An international perspective 
(In English)

Chair person: Kjell Andersson, Svebio, Sweden

  • The largest CCS project in the world – Experiences from the US
    Sallie E Greenberg, Illinois State Geological Survey, US
  • Lessons learned from UK CCS programmes
    Luke Warren, CCS Association, UK
  • New CO2 capture unit initiated
    Richard Surprenant, CO2 Solutions Inc., Canada
Sallie E Greenberg, Luke Warren och Richard Surprenant.

Sallie E Greenberg, Luke Warren and Richard Surprenant.

16.00 End of conference – Thank you!

Conference fees:

  • Members of: 2 800 SEK
  • Non Members of Svebio: 3 900 SEK
  • Speakers / Press: free of charge but registration required.

All fees excl. VAT.

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