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All time high pellet prices?

At present, the Argus 90 day wood pellet index is almost at US$210 per tonne (industrial pellets CIF in ARA) after steadily increasing from around US$175/t in July 2018. This suggests that we may be headed for the highest pellet prices on the European market ever.

  • Who can recall higher prices?
  • How will the rest of the season develop and what are the price expectations in the years to come?
  • How do stakeholders in the value chain leverage on the market and increase production or secure supply?
  • What will Germany’s role be now that the coal exit commission has delivered its proposal for a staggered coal phase out to 2038?

These and other issues will be discussed next week at Nordic Pellets 2019 in Varberg, Sweden, 6-7 February. Hear market commentary from several initiated panelists in the international wood pellet value-chain including Gordon Murray (Wood Pellet Association of Canada), Justin Tait (Enviva), Kjell Levihn (Stockholm Exergi), Peter Granborn (Scandbio), Gilles Gautier (European Pellet Council) and Johan Granath (Ekman & Co.).

Gordon Murray (Wood Pellet Association of Canada), Justin Tait (Enviva), Kjell Levihn (Stockholm Exergi), Peter Granborn (Scandbio), Gilles Gautier (European Pellet Council) and Johan Granath (Ekman & Co.).

Gordon Murray (Wood Pellet Association of Canada), Justin Tait (Enviva), Kjell Levihn (Stockholm Exergi), Peter Granborn (Scandbio), Gilles Gautier (European Pellet Council) and Johan Granath (Ekman & Co.).

Nordic Pellets Conference is the meeting point for all actors in the pellets sector – producers, users, equipment suppliers, consultants and researchers. A place to meet, have discussions with colleagues, and find business partners. These companies are already registered with one or more representatives.

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