How can EU restrictions against forest fuels affect Swedish energy supply?
The European Parliament has adopted a series of proposals that limit the use of biofuels from the forest, including logging residues such as branches and tops from felling, discarded wood and clearing wood. Svebio, The Swedish Bioenergy Association has produced a survey of what consequences the EU Parliament's proposal may have for Sweden's energy supply and the possibility of achieving the climate goals.

– All proposals to limit the use of biofuels in the EU must be thrown in the trash. There are now functional sustainability criterias for both liquid and solid biofuels. They guarantee environmental and climate benefits. In addition to this, introducing restrictions on different types of biofuels leads to unnecessarily high emissions of fossil carbon dioxide and continued high dependence on imported oil and gas in the EU, says Gustav Melin, CEO of Svebio, in a comment before the final negotiations that are now starting in the EU regarding the revision of the Renewables Directive.
Lacks scientific basis
In order to clarify what the effects of the proposal would be for the Swedish energy supply and climate policy, Svebio has produced an impact analysis, which is now being distributed to those who are now negotiating the directive.
– The measure provides no environmental benefit, but reduces the possibilities of using biofuels as a replacement for fossil fuels. There is no scientific basis for the proposal and there have been no impact analyses, says Gustav Melin.
Consequences for the district heating supply
The analysis shows that the consequences will be extensive for the district heating supply, the production of biopower, the possibilities to increase the production of new biofuels from forest raw materials, biochar production, bio-CCS (separation and storage of biogenic carbon dioxide) and for increased use of renewable fuels in industry.
– We are convinced that the new Swedish government will oppose this proposal. But the Swedish politicians must also seek support from other EU countries to stop the proposal, which threatens important parts of the Swedish energy supply and the Swedish climate goals, concludes Gustav Melin.
Svebio’s analysis is attached. For further information contact Gustav Melin tel 070-5244400 or Kjell Andersson tel 070-4417192.
Read the report: How restrictions on “primary woody biomass” will impact Swedish energy and climate development