Fuel Market Day 2020
Documentation and recording from the online Fuel Market Day in Stockholm, 10 September 2020. The documentation (pdf) will be available for download until 1 December 2020.
Conference presentations from Svebio’s Fuel Market Day 2020
- Digital trading platform, Baltpool, for Sweden and other countries
Gustav Melin, Svebio - Race for Carbon Neutrality – A challenging EU policy landscape
Giulia Cancian, Bioenergy Europe - Longterm effects on biomass market due to present situation
Jonas Torstensson, E.ON - Update on the Municipal Solid Waste and bio-oil markets
Mattias Bisaillon, Profu - Forest industry demand and bark beetle consequences
Staffan Vilhelmsson, Vänerbränsle - Finnish fuel market and the EU Policy Landscape
Hannes Tuohiniitty, Bioenergia Finland - Fuel supply on small and medium Adven heat plants
Mårten Zakrisson, Adven - Waste wood market in Germany
Philip Behrens, Brüning Gruppe - Turning the tables – Changing wood waste trade
Lauma Kazusa, SUEZ Trading Europe - Swedish and Norwegian waste wood market
Ralf Schopwinkel, Geminor, Norway
Link to the recording of the webinar
Please contact Svebio if you have any questions or need access after 1 December 2020,
+46 (0)8-441 70 80, post@svebio.se