Documentation ABC 2020
Documentation and recording from the online Advanced Biofuels Conference in Stockholm, 16 September 2020. The documentation (pdf) will be available for download until 1 December 2020. Please contact Svebio if you have any questions or need access after 1 December 2020, +46 (0)8-441 70 80,
- Value of the forest – Investing in biofuels
Lena Ek, Chairman, Södra, Sweden - Market trends in renewable energy – How to beat fossil fuels
Paolo Frankl, Head of the Renewable Energy Division, IEA, France - RED II implications and challenges in waste and residues based supply chains
Norbert Schmitz, Managing Director, ISCC System, Germany - Moving fuel forward
Michael Fiedler-Panajotopoulos, Director – Government Affairs, Europe, REG, Belgium - Value creation with wood-based bioproducts
Panu Routasalo, Vice President, UPM, Finland - Omega green advanced biofuels plant
Erasmo Carlos Battistella, CEO, ECB Group, Brazil - Refining into a sustainable future with high-value bioproducts
Per-Arne Karlsson, Director Public Affairs, Renewable Energy, St1 Sverige, Sweden - 2030-climate targets for mobility require a cap for the use of fossil fuel
Eric van den Heuvel, Director Dutch Platform Sustainable Biofuels, The Netherlands
Link to the recording of the webinar
Please contact Svebio if you have any questions or need access after 1 December 2020,
+46 (0)8-441 70 80,