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Svebio’s Reply to the Public Consultation on Inception Impact Assessment

Revision of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources.

Svebio, the Swedish Bioenergy Association, is an independent organisation promoting increased bioenergy deployment in an economically and environmentally optimal way. Our members are companies and individuals working in the whole bioenergy supply chain, from feedstock mobilisation to final energy use, like forestry and agricultural companies, utilities supplying biobased district heating, bioelectricity producers, biofuel producers, manufacturers of equipment, consultants, researchers, etc. Bioenergy is Sweden’s largest energy source, supplying 37% of Sweden’s final energy use. The supply of sustainable biomass for energy can double in Sweden according to our analysis in Roadmap Bioenergy meeting the demand for bioenergy in a fossil free Sweden.

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