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Roadmap Bioenergy Identifies Large Swedish Potential

Bioenergy can supply more than half of Swedish energy needs in 2045. Svebio’s Roadmap Bioenergy shows that there is potential in Sweden to increase the biomass supply with 100 TWh or more, and satisfy the growing demand.

Roadmap Bioenergy

Bioenergy is already Sweden’s largest energy source accounting for more than 35 percent of Sweden’s final energy use, with a yearly supply of 150 TWh. In a fossil free, climate neutral Sweden the demand for bioenergy will increase by another 100 TWh to 250 TWh. This according to the roadmaps from Fossil Free Sweden, the ambitious Swedish plans to reduce emissions in the transport sector, and the need for more biopower in future 100 percent renewable electricity system.

The potentials for increased biomass production for energy are big both in forestry and in agriculture with limited increased supply also from waste and certain marginal resources. In forestry, the biggest potential is from slash from harvest operations, and from stumps. In agriculture, both residues and energy crops can contribute to much more biomass for energy than today. Sweden has large areas of poorly utilized farmland.

Through the Common Agricultural Policy EU has paid European farmers not to produce food to decrease surplus production for more than 30 years. It must be better to use arable land and pay farmers to produce renewable biofuels instead, says Gustav Melin, CEO of Svebio.

Svebio’s Roadmap Bioenergy is now available in English.



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