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Harmful effects when Sweden cuts biofuel quota to EU level

The announcement that the new government intends to stop the fuel transition is a bad idea, both for Swedish climate politics and for the companies that plan to produce biofuels from Swedish raw materials. The decision will result in increased transport emissions and make it impossible to reach the 2030 climate target.

Photo: iStock

– The new government has plenty of time, until 1 January 2024, to prepare a better proposal that would meet the climate target, provide biofuel producers with long-term conditions, as well as keep consumer prices low. We are happy to engage in conversation to develop such a solution, says Gustav Melin, CEO of the Swedish Bioenergy Association (Svebio).

Sweden is going from being a European leader in terms of climate change in the transport sector to adapting to the EU´s passive and risky fuel policies that has led to total dependance on fossil fuels and includes restrictions on domestically produced biofuels. This EU adaptation will be directly harmful to Sweden, both in the short and long run.

Nonetheless, Svebio approves other areas of the new government agreement. For example, emphasizing combined heat and power (CHP) and wanting to abolish taxes on waste incineration and bio-oils. Abolishing grid connection subsidies on offshore wind power is also positive. However, if technology neutrality is taken seriously, this should apply to nuclear power as well.

For more information, please contact Gustav Melin, +46705244400

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