President Trump: You can already get climate neutral beer from Sweden
A leading Danish brewery company promises to be fossil free by 2030. But three leading Swedish breweries are fossil free already today, and use bioenergy as their main energy source. By-products from brewing, wood pellets and biobased district heating are some of the solutions.

Kopparberg brewery produces beer and cider using wood pellets. Photo: Kopparbergs Bryggeri
A few days ago, it was a major piece of news that a Danish brewery plans to be fossil free by 2030, as a reaction to president Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord. President Trump can already today get beer produced without fossil fuels from all the leading Swedish breweries.
- Spendrups, the largest Swedish beer producer, already in 2015 converted its brewery from oil to pellets. Most of these pellets are produced from its own by-product, distilling dregs, that is dried and pelletized. This is supplemented with wood pellets. Spendrups also produces biogas from residues. In 2018, Spendrups plans to have climate neutral production. Read more
- Kopparberg, another large beer producer, with four breweries, is now converting its biggest unit from oil to wood pellets. Read more
- Åbro, the third large producer of beer and soft drinks, is fossil free since 2015. The brewery converted from oil to renewable steam from the nearby district heating plant in Vimmerby, which uses wood chips as fuel.
The driver for the development in the Swedish brewery industry, as well as in the rest of the food industry, is the high carbon tax in Sweden. The tax has been increased in the last years for industry in sectors that are not part of EU-ETS.
For more information, contact Kjell Andersson, phone: +46-70-4417192.
Read more in our magazine “Industriguiden – Från fossilt till förnybart” (in Swedish).
(Source: Bioenergi, the Swedish bioenergy magazine, and Bioenergy International)