Media invitation: Advanced biofuels – Nordic region in the forefront
The Nordic region is in the forefront both for production and demand of advanced biofuels from cellulose, residues and waste. One example: both Norway, Sweden and Finland have targets for 30% biobased jetfuel in 2030. Another example: there are more than 60 projects for production of biofuels, up and running, under construction, or in planning. Both pilots, demonstration plants, and commercial plants. Most of them are based on feedstock from forestry.
At ABC, Advanced Biofuels Conference, in Stockholm 17 – 19 September, you can learn more and meet the leading actors in the field. The conference is truly global, with participants from around the world, so far registered: 120 companies from 22 countries.
Some examples from the programme:
- Panu Routasalo, Vice President, UPM, Finland: From Paris to Practice – How to scale up the advanced biofuels industry. The forest industry company UPM is a leading developer of forest based advanced biofuels.
- Henrik Henriksson, President and CEO, Scania, Sweden: Biofuels – The fastest way to cleaner transport. Scania is a leading developer of the use of biofuels in heavy duty vehicles.
- Anne Sophie Vinther Hansen, Senior Business Developer, Maersk Sustainability, Denmark: World’s largest maritime biofuel project. Maersk is world leader in container shipping.
- Judit Sandquist, Research scientist, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway: Aviation in Norway – how to fly on biojet in 2020 and beyond. Norway was the first country to decide on a mandatory quota for biojetfuel in 2018.
Full programme, including study tour 17 September
Venue: Elite Hotel Marina Tower, Saltsjöqvarns kaj 25, Stockholm
Journalists may attend free of charge, but we need registration beforehand for our planning.
For more information, please contact:
Tomas Ekbom, Conference Director, Svebio, +46-70-276 15 78
Kjell Andersson, Communications Director Svebio, +46-70-441 71 92