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Welcome to Svebio Fuel Market Day 10 September – The perfect biomass fuel market update!

Svebio Fuel Market Day gives you a great opportunity to better understand the current movements on the renewable fuels market in the Baltic Sea region with an additional focus on Sweden. It is a necessary update for all of you trading biomass fuels.

When: 10 September, 2020, 10.00 – 15.00.
Where: Online or at Svea Konferens, Holländargatan 10, Stockholm
Programme & registration Registration required! 

Listen to our expert speakers:

Staffan Vilhelmsson iulia Cancian

Staffan Vilhelmsson, Vänerbränsle and Giulia Cancian, Bioenergy Europe.

Mattias Bisallion Hannes Tuohiniitty

Mattias Bisallion, Profu and Hannes Tuohiniitty, Bioenergia Finland.

  • Staffan Vilhelmsson, Vänerbränsle: Forest industry demand and bark beetle consequences. What is the result of changed pulp wood diameters and bark beetle infections on the energy wood volumes and tomorrows saw timber availability?
  • Giulia Cancian, Policy Director Bioenergy Europe: Race for Carbon Neutrality – a challenging EU policy landscape. The EU is aiming at becoming “the first climate-neutral continent”  and the energy and climate targets will soon be revised. While the European Commission has acknowledged that bioenergy is a win-win solution for energy generation, there are signs that the sustainability requirements for bioenergy might change earlier than expected. Current EU  policy developments present both opportunities of growth for the sector and challenges of an ever evolving sustainability framework.
  • Mattias Bisallion, Profu: Update on the Municipal Solid Waste and bio-oil markets.
  • Hannes Tuohiniitty, Bioenergia Finland, President of Bioenergy Europe: Finnish fuel market and the EU Policy Landscape. Major changes on the Finnish fuel market creates a new situation. Both new plants and changed fuel mix, what are the consequences?

Online or onsite participation?

Due to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we have decided to switch the format of Svebio Fuel Market Day 2020 to a virtual online event that will take place on 10 September 2020.

However, we give a limited number of people the option to participate in person in Stockholm, following the advice and instructions from The Public Health Agency of Sweden.

Programme and registration

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