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Two weeks to go for Nordic Pellets Conference 2021 online!

Welcome to the Nordic Pellet Conference that will take place as an online event on Wednesday 27 January. 

Although the EU-28 produced almost 17 million tonnes of pellets in 2018, it consumed just over 26 million tonnes the same year with the balance covered by imports from outside the Bloc. The lion’s share of these imports – 6.7 million tonnes in 2019 – were industrial grade pellets from the United States (US) predominately to former coal-fired power stations in Benelux, Denmark, and the UK.

Notwithstanding EU sustainability criteria and third-party forestry and sustainability certification schemes, this industrial use of wood continues to draw considerable fire from environmental non-governmental organisations on both sides of the Atlantic, not least over forest carbon stock concerns.

However, the results of a recently published first-of-its-kind joint study of systematic changes in timberland conditions of procurement areas of wood pellet mills in the Eastern US, are encouraging. The researchers found, overall, a net expansion in carbon pools that is compliant with current trade requirements for the preservation of carbon stocks.

Listen to Dr Francisco X. Aguilar at the Nordic Pellets Conference

Dr Francisco X. Aguilar

Dr Francisco X. Aguilar.

One of researchers and authors of the paper, Dr Francisco X. Aguilar, Professor at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) Department of Forest Economics, will discuss the findings and its implications in the “Market perspectives” session during the conference.

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