Svebio’s Fuel Market Day 2023 – Fresh analyses and frank discussions on an extraordinary bioenergy market situation
On 6 September 2023 Svebio held its annual Fuel Market Day. We were happy to welcome both bioenergy veterans as well as new stakeholders at the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences’ conference hall on Grev Turegatan in Stockholm. The conference – a relatively new item on Svebios repertoire of meetings – was held for the sixth year running.
This year the focus was on the extraordinary situation on the biofuel markets. As always, speakers at the conference delivered fresh analyses and frank discussions on this topic.
Market actors from both Sweden, the neighbouring countries around the Baltic Sea – and even Brazil – participated to give their views on the current market situation, macroeconomic trends, price developments and forecasts. A general view expressed by the speakers at the conference was the regrettable security situation with the war in Ukraine and reduced energy exports from Russia that have had a significant impact on both supply and demand on the Swedish and the European biofuel markets. Both fossil energy exports and biofuel volumes from Russia have suddenly been withdrawn from the markets, which has affected Svebios members and other actors in the European economy in various ways. It’s been long since issues concerning the bioenergy markets felt as important as they did on 6 September.
Notwithstanding the negative developments with regards to the security situation in Europe, we at Svebio are happy to see a strong and growing interest in bioenergy. It was clear that the participants at the conference hold a positive long-term view on the potential of biofuels.
At Svebio we are particularly delighted to continuously find new examples of industries that wish to break their dependencies on Russian supply chains and fossil energy. It is our view that the bioenergy sector has the potential to keep growing well beyond its current 40 percent share of Sweden’s energy mix, but this growth will be dependent on strong and long-term relationships between producers and consumers. Svebio is proud to provide opportunities such as the annual Fuel Market Day, in order for these relationships to continue to develop.
At the end of the event, we thanked Svebio’s former CEO Gustav Melin for his excellent leadership and welcomed his successor Anna Törner to take the helm.