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Meet these companies in Gothenburg this week!
Svebio news
May 15, 2017
So far, we have companies from 21 countries registered for the Advanced Biofuels Conference, which begins with study visits on Wednesday and continues with conference, matchmaking and exhibition 18-19 May in Gothenburg. The conference offers a unique opportunity to meet companies and researchers engaged in the fascinating development of new fuels for land transport, aviation and maritime.
- AAK Sweden, Sweden
- Argus Media, United Kingdom
- Arla, Sweden
- BIOENERGY 2020+, Austria
- Bioenergy International, Sweden
- Biorefining Alliance, Denmark
- Birosa, Sweden
- Brunel University London, UK
- BTG Biomass Technology Group BV, Netherlands
- Business Sweden, Sweden
- Business Sweden, Brazil
- CanmetENERGY, Natural Resources Canada, Canada
- Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
- CIT Industriell Energi, Sweden
- City Executive Board of City of Gothenburg, Sweden
- CNPEM / CTBE – Brazilian Bioethanol Science and Technology Laboratory, Brazil
- Consorzio Italiano Biogas (CIB), Italy
- E.ON Värme Sverige, Sweden
- Ekman & Co, Sweden
- Embassy of Canada, Sweden
- Energifabriken, Sweden
- Energimyndigheten (Swedish Energy Agency), Sweden
- Ethanol Europe, Hungary
- European Commission, Belgium
- f3 – fossil free fuels, Sweden
- FORES, Sweden
- FPInnovations, Canada
- Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Germany
- Gevo, USA
- Ghent University, Belgium
- Global Bioenergies, France
- GoodFuels, Netherlands
- Green Biofuels, Ireland
- Göteborg Energi, Sweden
- Husqvarna, Sweden
- Inaeris Technologies, USA
- Innogy, Germany
- Institute For Energy Technology, Norway
- Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
- ITM Power Plc, United Kingdom
- IVL, Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Sweden
- JSC „Euromediena“, Lithuania
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
- Külvandu oü, Estonia
- Lantmännen, Sweden
- Lantmännen Agroetanol, Sweden
- Licella, Australia
- Luleå University of Technology / LTU Green Fuels, Sweden
- Mission of Malaysia to the European Union, Malaysia
- Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Japan
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), USA
- Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Finland
- Naturvårdsverket, Sweden
- Neste, Finland
- New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Japan
- NISA Nordic Initiative for Sustainable Aviation, Denmark
- Northern Europe Pöyry, Finland
- Paper Province, Sweden
- Perstorp Bioproducts, Sweden
- Preem, Sweden
- Processum, Sweden
- REG, Germany
- Renewable Products Neste Corporation, Finland
- RenFuel, Sweden
- Research Council of Norway, Norway
- Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, Netherlands
- RISE Energy Technology Center, Sweden
- Scania, Sweden
- Scion, New Zealand
- SEKAB Biofuels & Chemicals, Sweden
- SEKAB E-Technology, Sweden
- SkyNRG, Netherlands
- Spendrups, Sweden
- St1, Sweden
- SunCarbon, Sweden
- SunPine, Sweden
- Swedish Paliament, Sweden
- Sveaskog, Sweden
- SVEBIO, Sweden
- Swedish Press, Sweden
- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
- Södra, Sweden
- Toyota Motor Europe, Belgium
- TRB Sverige, Sweden
- U.S. Department of Energy, USA
- Umeå University, Sweden
- University of British Columbia, Canada
- University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- University of Gothenburg, Sweden / Uganda
- Uno-X Forsyning, Norway
- UPM Corporation, Finland
- Valmet Technologies, Finland
- Valmet, Sweden
- Volvo Car Corporation, Sweden
- Volvo Group Headquarters, Sweden
- World Bioenergy Association, Sweden / India / Lithuania
- VTT, Finland
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