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How to accelerate commercialization of biorefineries for large scale biofuel production? – The role of the financial sector and good examples from industry

We invite you to participate in a workshop arranged in collaboration with RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, ETIP Bioenergy and the project ETIP Bioenergy SABS II during the Advanced Biofuels Conference, 17-19 September in Stockholm.

When: 09.00-12.00, Thursday 19 September

The background to the workshop is the fact that the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) is now in place and sets a floor level for renewable transport fuels. However, if we are to deliver on the Paris agreement, as well as the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-plan), we need to facilitate implementation biorefineries for large scale biofuel production. Biorefineries are (just as other process industry technologies) very capital intensive and thus the deployment of such technologies will demand investments where each are in range of several hundred million Euros. Thus, this foreseen development and deployment of new sustainable biorefinery technologies will demand significant capital. Further, not only are vast amounts of capital needed, the mobilization of capital is needed to accelerate in the very near future.

The workshop focuses on policy, institutional framework and the role of the financial sector for deployment and upscaling of biorefineries for large scale biofuel production and provides presentations and perspectives by key actors from the financial sector as well as inspiring examples from the industry.

The workshop also aim to provide the opportunity for creative friction and alignment of key messages regarding what´s needed to propel the development through round table discussions.

Please note that registration is required.


  1. Introduction to the challenges ahead regarding large scale mobilization
    of capital for upscaling and deployment of Biorefinery technologies

    Patrik Klintbom, chair ETIP Bioenergy
  2. The perspective if the financial sector.
    Presentations and discussions with the workshop participants with focus on challenges and prerequisites for large scale capital investments in new sustainable technologies, strategies for de-risking of such investments. Innovative funding schemes etc. How does different financial actors work with financing of this type of investments, are there special conditions associated with investments in biorefinery technologies and what can we learn from other areas?
    – Amelie Nordin, Sustainable Finance Manager, Large Corporations and Institutions, responsible for sustainable finance offering and advisory, Swedbank
    – Philip Ajina, Founding partner, Infranode

    – Patrik Marckert, Senior Manager, Nordic Investment Bank
    – Lars Waldheim, Waldheim Consulting (the perspective of the Innovation Fund)
  3. Good examples from industry and development projects.
    Presentations and discussions with the workshop participants with focus on the good examples and discussion about challenges encountered by the industry when scaling up biorefinery technologies. Which are these challenges and how can they be overcome? Are there special conditions associated with investments in biorefinery technologies from the industry perspective?
    – Sven Löchen, CEO, RenFuel
    – Misha Valk, Head Business Development, SkyNRG
    – Filip Jonsson, Chalmers and the ADVANCEFUEL project
  4. Summary
    Patrik Klintbom and Johanna Mossberg


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