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Hear Johanna describe Preem’s transitional journey: Advancing towards climate-neutrality by 2035.

The Swedish Bioenergy Association (Svebio) is organizing the 9th Advanced Biofuels Conference (ABC 2023) which provides you with the latest on renewable transportation fuels, novel technologies and policy developments. Meet the leading players and experts from around the world, on-site or online.

The demand for advanced biofuels for all modes of transport outpaces production capacity. New greenfield plants in various stages of planning and construction will add industrial-scale capacity as they come online. So too will the conversion and retrofitting of existing fossil assets, if investments and recent announcements made by both global oil and gas supermajors as well as national– and independent players is anything to go by – Preem, Sweden’s largest transportation fuel producer, distributor and retailer (Study Tour option 2), a case in point.
On paper, the rationale for investing in industrial-scale co-processing capability and/or advanced biofuel production capacity at an existing oil refinery would seem self-evident. In practice, there are of course numerous considerations as Johanna Rindebäck, Development Engineer, New opportunities at Preem will discuss.
Preem operates two refineries, Preemraff Lysekil and Preemraff Gothenburg respectively, both of which are undergoing significant retrofits and upgrades to produce advanced biofuels. These include renewable diesel (aka HVO), renewable gasoline, and possibly sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), and renewable marine fuel from various feedstock including co-processed pyrolysis oil from biomass, and end-of-life tyres(ELT). With a current capacity of 300 000 tonnes and additional one million tonne expansion planned, Preemraff Gothenburg produces renewable diesel using feedstock such as animal fats, used cooking oil (UCO), and refined crude tall oil (CTO) – the latter is a by-product of the pulp industry.

Hear Johanna describe Preem’s transitional journey: Advancing towards climate-neutrality by 2035.

Programme and Registration

This is what you can expect at ABC 2023

  • Two conference days, four sessions and a seminar with some 24 plus high-level speakers covering all modes of transport for drop-in and high-concentrated biofuels.
  • IEA Bioenergy Seminar: Successes and Lessons Learned for Biofuels Deployment with international experts presenting five new reports on September 21 included in the conference.
  • Optional study tour on September 20 with two visits to choose from:
    1. The Volvo Group blue train tour of the plant assembly for heavy-duty engines and trucks; or 2. The Preemraff Gothenburg HVO oil refinery with one million tonne expansion. Register now as space is strictly limited.
  • Delegates includes policymakers, politicians, business executives, developers, researchers & engineers and stakeholders. Excellent business opportunities making contacts for Nordic countries!
  • Roll-up table top mini-expo with biofuel distributors, technology providers and developers for business networking rounded off by an exclusive conference dinner evening.
For more information, please contact the Conference Director,
Mr Tomas Ekbom,
 +46-8-441 70 83, abc@svebio.se

P.S Records of previous Advanced Biofuels Conferences.


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