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Finland's Bioenergy Day – bioenergy accounts for one third of nation's final energy consumption

Bioenergy is Europe’s leading renewable energy source. According to Eurostat data and calculations by the European Biomass Association (AEBIOM), bioenergy will account for 11% of the final energy consumption in the EU-28 this year. Other renewable energy sources, like hydropower, wind, solar and geothermal, stand for another 7%. But still, non-renewable energy makes up 82% of the EU’s energy use.

For the EU as a whole, this means that all energy use from November 21 until the end of the year will come from bioenergy, and therefore to mark the occasion AEBIOM will celebrate the European Bioenergy Day on November 21.

Bioenergy – a renewable leader often overlooked

For Finland, its Bioenergy Day occurs on September 1, which is second of all the EU member states as Finland’s bioenergy share in the final energy consumption is 33%. The total use of renewable energy in Finland was 39% in 2016, compared to 18% in EU as a whole.

Read the full story at Bioenergy International

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