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Dan Szeezil, Envergent: Commercial Scale Renewable Transportation Fuels

Join us at the Advanced Biofuels Conference, 18-20 September in Gothenburg, and listen to Dan Szeezil, Lead Sales Support Specialist, Honeywell UOP / Envergent Technologies in USA, and a number of leading biofuel experts and industry leaders.

Why listen to Dan?

Honeywell UOP presents a review of existing commercial scale renewable transportation fuel technologies from biomass.  We examine production technologies for converting solid and liquid biomass into green gasoline, diesel and jet fuels.  This is demonstrated by a review of existing plants running on UOP technology along with plans for future development.

Dan Szeezil is the Lead Sales Specialist at Envergent Technologies, a Honeywell UOP joint venture with Ensyn Corporation.  He is responsible for Envergent’s RTP pyrolysis process that converts solid biomass materials to liquid fuels for transport fuel and heating use.  Dan has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from University of Illinois and a master’s degree in Environmental Management and Sustainability from the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Listen to Dan Szeezil on Thursday 20 September

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