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Come and listen to Marius Hachenberg from Enviva

We are happy to announce that the Nordic Pellets Conference 2023 will be held on 1-2 February in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Marius Hachenberg will talk about how to efficiently replace fossils with woody biomass.

Marius Hachenberg has been Enviva’s General Manager Germany since March 2021, responsible for company’s business development, sales and the establishment of customer relationships in the German market.

Marius Hachenberg will talk about how to efficiently replace fossils with woody biomass in many types of different industry and heat and power applications. Applications available already know and the benefits from doing so to speed up the transmission to a future beyond fossil fuels.

The field of energy politic

Before joining Enviva, Marius worked for years in the field of energy politics both in the United States and Germany.  Previously, he worked at the government relations offices of innogy SE and RWE AG in Berlin and gained extensive experience in transatlantic energy policy while working in the U.S. Senate and at the Clinton Foundation.

Marius has successfully completed Master’s in International Studies at the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University and holds a Master of Arts in Political Science from the Free University of Berlin.



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