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Check out the programme for the Advanced Biofuels Conference!

During 18–20 September, 2018, the Swedish Bioenergy Association (SVEBIO) is organising its 4th Advanced Biofuels Conference, in Gothenburg. The conference starts with study visits and is followed by two conference days that cover the aviation, maritime and land transport sectors.

Photos from Advanced Biofuels Conference in Gothenburg 2017.

There is plenty to see, hear and discuss. The Nordics are a hotbed of activity when it comes to advancing and implementing biofuels. Sweden and Finland reached already in 2015 more than two times the target of European Union (EU) 2020 renewable energy in transportation. HVO is a leading advanced biofuel in terms of commercial production capacity with Nordic companies behind the lion’s share of global production. Along with HVO100, Swedish motorists and fleet operators have already today a selection of compressed biogas, E85, ED95, B100, as well as conventional fuels with high blends of bio-components at filling stations.

This conference highlights the latest projects and plants with leading international experts presenting an update on biofuel technologies. The Advanced Biofuels Conference is intended for those who are interested in creating a sustainable transport sector. Speakers and delegates are policy makers and politicians, leading scientists, researchers, engineers, as well as executives and representatives from companies and organisations.

Photos from Advanced Biofuels Conference in Gothenburg 2017.

What to expect

The conference offers three days with +150 decision-making attendees from the entire value chain: feedstock to consumer brands via policy, technology, finance and innovation. It’s a one-stop-shop to meet new partners from across the entire value chain, at one time in one place.

Within Advanced Biofuels Conference 2018 you will be able to participate in several sessions focusing on different themes. Depending on your own interest and profile you can choose among them, the mini expo with exhibitors and the pre-conference study visit.

Conference sessions include political strategies & visions with discussions on current and future policy for biofuels, market and industry perspectives on sustainable biofuels, latest technology breakthroughs from leading companies as well as the global resources and trends in bioenergy and biofuels.

To the programme and registration

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