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Bioenergy research puts Sweden on the map

Long-term and meaningful investment by the Swedish Energy Agency has developed the entire value chain for biofuels and demonstrates the profitability of using branches and tops (In Swedish: grot) as fuel, as shown by a major evaluation conducted in 2019.

The Swedish Energy Agency has funded research on biofuels since 2005. The evaluation highlights the impact the research has had.

– This evaluation shows that research has played an important role in the development of the biofuel market and specifically when it comes to branches and tops. It is extremely important to be able to measure the impact of the research we finance, in particular when we work with long-term goals such as increasing knowledge and bringing about a change in society, says Anna Malmström, Research Officer at the Swedish Energy Agency.

What is important about branches and tops and other biofuels?

– It’s a question of replacing fossil fuels and contributing to the security of energy supply, as well as recognising the value of residual products such as branches and tops. One strength has been the continuity, that a common thread has run through the large maze of research projects and through a series of programmes throughout the years, says Anna Malmström.

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