National Biomethane Congress

National Biomethane Congress

Poland is a country with great opportunities in terms of biogas production. As a company of Biomass Media Group, the publisher of “Biomass Magazine” and “Biogas Market” and the organizer of the Biogas Congress, for years we have been stimulating the development of this part of the Polish economy, indicating practical and technological possibilities in the use of this renewable energy source. In this context, biomethane naturally appears as an obvious way to develop this sector of the economy. Seeing increased interest in biomethane, we decided to organize the 1st National Biometric Congress, where we will gather scientists, practitioners and entrepreneurs interested in the development of the Polish biomethane industry. The co-organizer of the event is the Institute of Biosystems Engineering University of Life Sciences in Poznan with professor Jacek Dach at the forefront, the best research unit in this part of Europe, involved in improvement of processes occurring in biogas installations. It should be emphasized that Polish biogas technologies are in the absolute world’s top in terms of work efficiency (up to 8,500 MWh from 1 MW installations, i.e. over 97% efficiency), a huge spectrum of fermentable waste, and the unique possibilities of biohydrogen production alongside biomethane (real biogas plant tests showed up to 2000 m3 H2 / day in biowaste-to-biohydrogen technology).

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