European Biomass to Power

European Biomass to Power


Building on the success of ACI’s Biomass to Power conference series, previously held in Vienna, London, Krakow, Copenhagen, Berlin & Seville we are delighted to confirm that delighted to confirm that European Biomass to Power Conference will take place in on 8th & 9th November 2017 in Aarhus, Denmark.

Already on its 7th edition, this event will give latest updates on the European biomass market and its new developments, as well as focus on sustainability challenges. Over the two days, ACI’s conference will give you in-depth look into case studies giving practical examples of planning, finance and technology strategies utilised for biomass co-generation projects.

>> View Latest Agenda <<

Four Exclusive Site Visits:

During the afternoon of 7th November a limited number of conference delegates will receive a unique opportunity to visit Dong Energy’s Skaerbaek & Studstrup Power Stations and on 8th of November a delegation will be invited to visit Biomass fired CHP plant in Lisbjerg and Verdo’s CHP Plant (KVR) in Randers. There is no extra charge to attend, but spaces are strictly limited and allocated to conference delegates on a first-come, first-served basis, so it is highly recommended to book early to guarantee availability.

Key Topics Include:

  • Global Biomass Market Developments
  • Policy & Regulation
  • Finance & Investment
  • Sourcing & Sustainability of Supply
  • Biomass Handling & Storage
  • Biomass to Power Projects in Europe – Case Studies
  • Breakthrough Technologies for Biomass to Power

Who Will Attend?

Once again, the European Biomass to Power conference will bring together senior executives from the entire value chain, such as Power Companies, Biomass Producers, Biomass Traders & Distribution Companies, Trade Associations, Renewable Energy Consultancies, EPC Contractors and OEMs, Regional & National Governments, Regulatory & Research Bodies and others. You’re cordially invited to join us in Aarhus for excellent networking opportunities.

Special Discount Available:

SVEBIO/Bioenergy International readers/subscribers are entitled to a discount on registration. For further information or to register contact Dimitri Pavlyk on + 44 (0)203 141 0627 or quoting EBPE7D15.

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